DATOURWAY Transnational Strategy for the Territorial Development of the Danube Area with special regard to Tourism WP3 - ANALYSIS Kick off meeting Braila.


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Presentation transcript:

DATOURWAY Transnational Strategy for the Territorial Development of the Danube Area with special regard to Tourism WP3 - ANALYSIS Kick off meeting Braila

DATOURWAY – WP3 WP 3 Territorial survey and evaluation (Analysis)

DATOURWAY WP3 Purpose of the analysis On the basis of a joint methodology the aim is to construct an international Danube Tourism Database the elaboration of national analyses of the Danube corridor and To work out synthesis as well as SWOT evaluation of the findings at national and transnational level to work out the hierarchy of objectives of the transnational strategy

DATOURWAY WP3 Actions (3.1., 3.2., 3.3.) Methodological approach Database

DATOURWAY WP3 Actions in WP3 Action 3.1.: Preparation of the common methodology Evaluation and harmonisation of the existing database (minimum database: characteristics, time (date/period), territorial unit, coverage

DATOURWAY WP3 Actions in WP3 Action 3.2.: Six national analyses: Inventory and maps of the tourism assets Identification of the target area Main problems and conflicts SWOT analysis and hierarchy of objectives 1st draft of the joint analysis, SWOT and hierarchy of objectives

DATOURWAY WP3 Actions in WP3 Action 3.3.: Preparation of the joint analysis (synthesis) Joint SWOT analysis and hierarchy of objectives Joint inventory: mapping of the tourism assets of the whole Danube area Study tours (RO, BG): best practices for tackles of conflicts

DATOURWAY WP3 Methodology (1) Definition of the target area, scale of mapping Setting the boundaries of the target area: NUTS III level of EU countries and the similar territorial order for non EU member countries in the Danube section from Devín-Gate to Black See. The recommended scale of the final realisation of the spatial planning study is 1: or 1: with more detailed pilot project studies (1:50.000).

DATOURWAY WP3 Methodology (2) Thematic structure Evaluation and systematisation of factors influencing tourism development of the target area; analysis of potential directions of development Macro-regional relations (national/international development trends) Review of social issues Natural and environmental characteristics Economic characteristics of the area (with special regard to tourism) Infrastructure Spatial structure (system of settlements, land use, infrastructure networks) Conflict areas (conflicts between tourism and environment, tourism and human resources, infrastructure obstacles tourist development) Collection of the SWOT elements (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats)

DATOURWAY WP3 Methodology (3) Conflict areas: conflicts between tourism and environment, tourism and human resources, infrastructure obstacles tourist development

DATOURWAY WP3 Methodology (4) Output Preparation of a national document focusing on the most significant processes and development opportunities Summary based on the detailed evaluation (~ 15 pages/maps) Main development trends (~ 1-2 pages/map) Spatial structure (~ 2 pages/map) Conflict areas (~ 5 pages/maps) Territories needed transnational cooperation (~ 1-2 pages) SWOT elements (S: 5, W: 7, O: 5, T: 5 ~ 1 p.) Total: ~25 pages

DATOURWAY WP3 Methodology (4) Thematic structure Transnational synthesis: Elaboration of a final, synthetic document produced via transnational, joint work Harmonisation and framing of the national documents into the joint form Synthesis of each sectors (social, environmental…) Collection of the transnational SWOT elements Preparation of the final document (~ 80 pages)

DATOURWAY – WP3 Thank you for your attention!