WTOSlide 1 The WTO TBT Agreement ITU-WTO Workshop on Telecom & ICT Regulation Geneva, 2 December 2004 Erik Wijkström WTO Trade and Environment Division
WTOSlide 2 % NTBs tariffs
WTOSlide 3 Avoid: unnecessary barriers to trade Allow: regulatory autonomy (legitimate objectives) Use: international standards!
WTOSlide 4 Relevance of Telecom?
WTOSlide 5 TBT Notification related to Telecom
WTOSlide 6 All notifications
WTOSlide 7 TBT Agreement is applicable to: 1.3 All products, including industrial and agricultural products, shall be subject to the provisions of this Agreement.
WTOSlide 8 In the TBT Committee, approximately 120 specific trade concerns raised
WTOSlide 9 Telecom: equipment use of international standards
WTOSlide 10 (selected observer international organizations in TBT Committee)
WTOSlide 11 Telecom: equipment use of international standards certification requirements approval
WTOSlide 12 Conformity Assessment Familiar WTO disciplines (MFN, NT...) TBT Committee renewed emphasis March 2005 Workshop on SDoC Early 2006 workshop o different approaches June 2004 Special Meeting on CAP
WTOSlide 13 In sum... TBT covers all goods telecom equipment standards / conformity assessment TBT Committee: work program 21 March 2004 Workshop on SDoC objective:NTBs
WTOSlide 14