20.8.20041 EFICENT Freiburg, Germany, 3 April 2009 EFI Regional Offices Risto Päivinen.


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Presentation transcript:

EFICENT Freiburg, Germany, 3 April 2009 EFI Regional Offices Risto Päivinen

22 February Over 130 member organisations in 37 countries Affiliate Members (outside Europe) Canada Japan United States Associate and Affiliate Members of EFI

22 February EFI Association International organisation Convention on EFI 2003 Convention ratified Signatory countries

EFI Core activities NetworkingAdvocacyInformationResearch

4 Research Programmes co-ordinated at Headquarters: Forest Ecology and Management Forest Product Markets and Socio-Economics Policy Analysis Forest Resources and Information Research at EFI Regional Offices and Project Centres

Information EFI publications: Research Reports Discussion Papers Proceedings Policy Briefs EFI News Events: EFI organises/co-organises events/a Electronic information- databases, forest portal

Advocacy EFI represents forest research community in various platforms EFI is voice of forest science Statements Discussion papers, policy briefs Policy relevant events

HQ ROs PCs Associate Membership Member Countries Networking EFI provides infrastructure for networking to its Associate Members

22 February EFI Project Centres Regional or topical research project-networks Limited time duration Hosted by EFI member institution

22 February EFI Regional Offices EFIMED Barcelona EFI HQ Joensuu

EFI Regional Offices 2009-

implement the EFI strategy at regional level - have a long-term perspective - are integral parts of EFI ( branch offices of an international organisation) - Head of Office reports to EFI Director/HQ - staff is employed by, or seconded to EFI - governed by ToR and EFI management rules Regional offices

Regional Offices: Benefits Regional offices provide an instrument for implementing the goals of the European Research Area European regions can utilise EFIs pan-European network and research expertise. Help regional experts, institutions and governments to address issues important for their regions in a European context.

Regional Offices: Benefits pool financial and intellectual resources for tackling policy-relevant issues. reduce the fragmentation of research structures- >increase the effectiveness of the participating institutes allow EFI to be more visibly present in Europes regions.

Jean Monnet: When an idea fits well in the needs of its time, it belongs no more to its originators, - it will be more powerful than those who intiated it.

Looking forward to fruitful co-operation within EFICENT

EFI organisation

Regional Offices Project types: Externally funded projects (e.g. FP7 etc.) Concerted Action type projects (each partner covers own costs) Funding allowing: open calls for projects