E-Marketing Plan (網路行銷企劃) Legal - Ethical Technology Internet E Competition Other factors Markets SWOT E- Business S Strategy/ Model E - Marketing Implementation Strategy Marketing Mix/CRM P Performance Metrics
1. The Playboy Story 1990s: A plan to add multimedia content channels. After years of declining circulation and revenues. Channels include: cable TV, digital media, videos, and the Internet to its magazine format. Playboy TV: sexy entertainment for couples. Playboy web site: take full advantage of the interactivity and multimedia carrying capabilities.
The Playboy Story (1) Based on a thorough understanding of the firm’s assets. A strong brand, A base of 4.5 million readers, Extensive editorial (龐大的編輯), Advertising sales experience, The Playboy bunnies (兔女郎). (2) Goal: Diversify (多角化) the business.
The Playboy Story (3) A marketing plan for generating revenues from: Advertising. Entice (慫恿) traditional advertisers to extend their magazine reach to new online markets. E-Commerce: Sell Playboy-brand items online. Online gaming. Displays horse races, sends e-mails to notify, and provides betting tips (賭金) from popular Playboy Bunnies. Online events. Users can join the Cyber Club for $60 a year and view behind-the-scenes (幕後花絮) content. (4) Evaluation Is still losing money, but less than magazine industry average. Bet on online gaming to draw future revenues.
2. E-Business Plan SWOT, Objective, and Metric Opportunities Threats 1. Hispanic (拉丁美洲) markets growing and untapped (尚未開發) in our industry. 2. Save postage (郵資) costs through e-mail marketing. 1. Pending (懸而未決) security law means costly software upgrades. 2. Competitor X is aggressively using e- commerce. Strengths Weaknesses Strong customer service department. Excellent Web site and database system. Low tech corporate culture Seasonal business: peak (尖峰) is summer months. E-business Goal: Initiate e-commerce in within one year. Metric: Generate $500,000 in revenues from e-commerce during the first year.
Step 1: Situation Analysis Review: The firm’s environmental and SWOT analyses. The existing marketing plan and any other information that can be obtained about the company and its brands. The firm’s e-business objectives, strategies, and performance metrics.
SWOT Analysis Opportunity/ Threat Strength/ Weakness The competition and looks at external environment 法律/政治、科技環境、使用者趨勢、全球市場… Strength/ Weakness The company’s internal capability
Key Internal Capabilities for E- Business (Adapted from Kalakota & Robinson, 1999) Internal Capability Examples Customer interactions Customer service, distribution channels Production and fulfillment SCM, production scheduling, inventory management People Culture, skills, knowledge management, leadership Technology ERP systems, legacy applications, networks, Web site, security, IT skills Core infrastructure Financial systems, R&D, HR
SWOT Example: Amazon.com Strength A smart and talented team that stayed focused and learned what it didn’t know. Weakness No experience in: Selling books Processing credit card transactions Boxing books for shipment (原本在地板上打包,後來才訂做專用的工作桌) Opportunity To sell online. Threat A full-scale push by one of the large bookstore chains to claim the online market. (大型連鎖 書店Barnes&Noble宣稱要進入網路市場)
Step 2: Link E-Business with E-Marketing Strategy Create supporting e-marketing strategy for the e-business goals. Tier 1 tasks Targeting Differentiation Segmentation Positioning E-Marketing Strategy Offer Tier 2 tasks Value Communication Distribution
Create supporting e-marketing strategy for the e-business goals Tier 1 strategy segmentation, targeting strategies differentiation, positioning strategies Tier 2 strategy: 4P’s and relationship management offer (product) strategies value (pricing) strategies distribution (place) strategies communication (promotion) strategies
Step 3: Budgeting Forecast revenues. Evaluate costs. include Web site direct sales, advertising sales, subscription fees, affiliate referrals, sales at partner sites, commissions, and other fees. Evaluate costs. employees, hardware, software, web site… Identify the expected returns from an investment. Determine whether the effort is worthwhile. Cost/benefit analysis, ROI (投資報酬率) calculation…