MUSEC Workpackage 3: Identification and analysis of best practices Work package leader: City of Breda Barbet Hendriks Modena, January 12th 2007
Outcome Work package 3 National SEC Advisory Groups A shortlist of standardized best practices (input for the SEC strategy) Best practices: Local activities that increase the energy efficiency and the use of renewable energy on community level
National SEC advisory groups 1 per country, 5 in total Experienced local actors: municipalities, market actors, energy agencies, utilities, etc. Support the partners with identifying best practices. Dissemination channels
Best practices Identification: Develop prerequisites (what needs do they have to meet) Collection of best practices longlist Put the information in the ManagEnergy format for best practices (input for ManagEnergy database) Analysis: SWOT analysis of best practices and selection shortlist Develop procedure to standardize a best practice Standardize and categorize shortlisted best practices
Deliverables of this work package Five national SEC Advisory groups A short note on the composition and expertise of each SEC Advisory Group Summaries of the SEC advisory group meetings List of prerequisites for best practices Long list of best practices Best practices described according to the ManagEnergy format (input for the ManagEnergy database) A overview of how and where to find best practices on the project web site, input for the project website Procedure or scheme to develop from best practice to standard Short list of standardized best practises
Who is involved
Distribution of hours per participant WP1WP2WP3WP4WP5WP6WP7 COORD-AG21ITALY Ambiente Italia FOGGIA ASTI Ravenna Ecofys Breda Dobrich DLAEM SFZ Solites STW Crailsheim Kuben GCD
(Possible) planning
When is WP 3 succesful? Performance indicators