“How to access to EU R&D projects in e-business and e-work field” www.ist-bonus.net December 9th, 2005 Tallinn.


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Presentation transcript:

“How to access to EU R&D projects in e-business and e-work field” December 9th, 2005 Tallinn

Goal and target groups of the project To upgrade the participation of motivated organisations in the EU-funded research programmes in two broad areas: e-business and e- work Target groups: -research organisations (universities, research centres, institutes, laboratories) -innovative enterprises, motivated to participate in international R&D projects Target organisations of the project from 10 NMS & ACC countries: Poland, Hungary, Slovakia, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Turkey, Bulgaria, Rumenia Duration of the project: april march 2007

Q-PlanConsulting companyCo-ordinator (Greece) University of BremenDep of information and communication technologies Scientific partner (Germany) Middle Eastern Technical University Software R&D CentreScientific partner (Turkey) The University of Ulster University in Northern Ireland + NIKEL laboratory Scientific partner (Ireland) ALTECOne of the largest ICT enetrprises in Greece Scientific partner (Greece) ARC FundIRC (Innovation Relay Centre) in Bulgaria National partner in Bulgaria BIC BratislavaIRC SlovakiaNational partner in Slovakia BUTEIRC HungaryNational partner in Hungary WCTTIRC Western-PolandNational partner in Poland ARIESAssociation of Romanian ICT industry, IRC Romania National partner in Romania Hill & KnowltonPR companyNational partner in Baltics SabiConsulting companyNational partner in Malta IST Bonus partners

IST Bonus offers (1) Trainings and info-days about EU R&D projects in IST (e-solutions) Training/Consultancy: 2nd half of Jan/1st half of Feb 2006 in Tallinn and Vilnius Individual consultancy for SME-s/ enterprises by lecturer of University of Ulster, Maurice Mulvenna. Info-day: During Baltic IT&T 2006 Forum (Apr 5-7,2006)

IST Bonus offers (2) We help to find partners for RTD projects, brokerage contacts and project proposals (through IST Bonus consortium and partners’ network). Partner search database in web

IST Bonus offers (3) Networking events in Europe -during october 2005 – february 2007 three events in total -arranging individual meetings between potential co-operation partners from EU-15 and EU-25 -combined with bigger it-conferences -possibility to compensate 50 % of transportation and accomodation costs e-challenge conference in Ljubljana October 19th-21st, firms and organizations from NMS, ACC and EU-15 participated in 18 meetings

IST Bonus offers (4) PR-profies (research profiles) - Introducing the strenghts of organisation for participating in development projects - Will be spread among EU-15 organisations

IST Bonus offers (5) Research action plan -SWOT analysis / audit about previous activities of organisation in R&D projects field -Composing concrete plan for achieving the upgraded participation in IST R&D activities -Audit will be carried out and action plan composed by IST Bonus scientific partners in co-operation with IRC-s -Support for implementing the plan (guidelines for preparing proposals, arranging additional meetings between potantial partners etc)

For getting benefit from IST Bonus : 1)Insert your organisation profile to database: 2) Contact Hill & Knowlton Estonia Tarmo Seliste tel: