SAG RG 2014 report and plans Martin Schultz Forschungszentrum Jülich, Germany EPAC SSC / SAG chair meeting, Geneva, Feb 2015 Photo: Anmyeon-do station, South Korea
2014 accomplishments Surface ozone data set from Global stations expanded (data chase ongoing for regional stations); metadata and data harmonisation; start of Tropospheric Ozone Assessment Report (TOAR) activity New calibration scale for CO developed; new CO measurement technologies evaluated Large enhancement of VOC data set through dedicated collection effort; ACTRIS intercomparisons evaluated; draft of VOC guidelines (focus on NMHCs) WCC NOx established; draft of NOx guidelines; Several station audits performed Negotiated addition of CASTNET as contributing network Opened special issue in Elementa on GAW RG activities and results
Integration of surface ozone data for TOAR Figure: S. Waychal, FZ Jülich metadata of ~6000 stations in database
Extension of VOC data set in WDCGG archive Figure: H. Koide, WDCGG
Extension of VOC data set in WDCGG archive ~120 data series each Figure: H. Koide, WDCGG
Opened: December 2014 Submission deadline: December 2015
SAG RG members […] Stuart Penkett, UK Martin Schultz, Germany Paul Novelli, USA Ian Galbally, Australia Stefan Gilge, Germany Detlev Helmig, USA Alastair Lewis, UK Christian Plaß-Dülmer, Germany Tom Ryerson, USA Valerie Thouret, France Frank Flocke, USA Meehye Lee, South Korea Rainer Steinbrecher, Germany Kjetil Tørseth, Norway Hiroshi Koide, Japan Keiichi Sato, Japan Christoph Zellweger, Switzerland Franz Rohrer, Germany Martine de Maziere, Belgium ? ? Brigitte Buchmann, Switzerland Hajime Akimoto, Japan Jan Bottenheim, Canada Kazuto Suda, Japan former members:
Current issues Surface ozone data still rather incomplete at WDCGG Lack of integration of regional networks: formal status unclear (e.g. EMEP); comparability of measurements (e.g. ozone Russia); integration of metadata (e.g. station codes); accessibility of data ( data portal) Need to make better progress on „full tropospheric view“ (integration of IAGOS and NDACC; satellites) GAW RG data still perceived as under-used, or not visible as „GAW“ data (primarily for ozone?) Importance of RG not recognized in some countries Costs of primary standards The final version of the new CO scale and and its implementation; the application of new, better measurement techniques and instruments in GAW laboratories
SWOT analysis Strengths: only global long-term program well established quality control procedures good cooperation between NMHIs and academia (?) organised by large international organisation Opportunities: integration throughout troposphere (SAG members) important use cases (TOAR, CCMI) establish a role in operational analysis and forecasts (CAMS) Weaknesses: insufficient funding for central organisations and stations data harmonisation/documentation has been too slow in the past „splintering“ into regional networks (surface ozone) too much bureaucracy; too little science (?) Threats: funding unlikely to increase relevance of „background“ RG diminuishes (?) too much/too fast integration may dilute unique strengths of GAW RG
Vision beyond 2016 Full harmonisation of GAW metadata and RG data access Full integration of in-situ and satellite measurements Surface station network expanded into South America, Africa Clearly established role of modeling within GAW and/or in connection to GAW Extended suite of observed species – driven by science questions (e.g. nitrogen cycle, sulfur cycle) Better integration across SAGs – for example ammonia