Difficulties in Verification of a PoA: DOEs Perspective by Dr. Kaviraj Singh Workshop on Programme of Activities (PoA) under the CDM: Challenges and Road Ahead 07 th - 8 th, May 2011, Bonn Organised by UNFCCC Secretariat
2 Content Current status of PoAs: validation/verification Procedures: CDM PA vis-à-vis PoA Template availability Complexities in verification Further guidance from UNFCCC Questions
3 Current status of PoAs: Total PoAs registered: 08 Under verification: 01 (or more) Under validation : 164 (Webhosted for ISHC)
4 Verification Procedures: CDM PA vis-à-vis PoA ProceduresCDM PAPoA Interface for MR uploadingYesNot yet Interface for RFIYesNot yet Notifying and requesting changes from the project design YesNA Revising monitoring planYes Deviation from an approved methodologyYes Deviation prior to submitting RFIYes Requesting post registration change to the start date of the crediting period YesRequire clarity Withdrawal of request for issuanceYesRequire clarity Timelines for issuance (after RFI)YesRequire clarity
5 Change in project design? Change in the number of PA equipment installation Given the number in millions Robust monitoring of implementation Change in the rated capacity Minor & Major Implementation in different geographical areas than the ones mentioned in the registered PoA Municipalities Region within a country & Across the countries The impact of these changes: Additionality/Scale/Applicability
6 Revision in monitoring plan? PoA-DD not inline to applied methodology If PoA DD is reivsed, does it require to change in all CPAs? CPA-DD doesnt follow the applied methodology Is revision in affected CPA DD is acceptable? Only implemented CPA-DD doesnt follow the PoA-DD EB55 Annex 38, para 19 & 20: Once changes have been approved inline to the revised/replaced meth, does it require the existing CPAs (as default) to follow the new PoA?
7 Deviation from the registered PoA-DD & CPA-DD PoA-DD CPA-DD only Deviation from PoA as well as CPA-DD
8 Templates: PoA vis-à-vis CDM TemplatesCDMPoA Monitoring ReportYes (F-CDM-MR )Not available Revising monitoring plan (Form)Yes (F-CDM- REVMP) ? Deviation (Form) prior to submitted RFI Yes (F-CDM-DEV- ISS) ? Withdrawal of request for issuance Yes (F-CDM-WI )Require clarity Form to submit RFIYes (F-CDM- REQCERS) ?
9 Complexities in verification of PoAs Data Sampling Huge sets of data to be verified Assurance on information provided by third parties (for PP) Extra time and efforts (on site) required by DOE More clarity on issues (discussed later)
10 Data Sampling for monitored parameters Appropriateness of the sample size in the registered PoA DD Identification of the representative sample size for the monitored data More clarity required, within the PoA section in methodologies, on appropriate sampling plan requirements
11 Huge sets of data to deal with Number of project devices may be thousands/millions Significant time and efforts required Need of statistical expert in team Robust data processing systems for PPs Technical difficulties (size) in uploading the files
12 Assurance on hired third party No defined criteria (competency/accreditation) about the selection of third party Protocols to be used by third party for data collection and analysis should be made available in the PoA-DD Involved parties should have the accreditation from the government bodies or other authorized entities
13 Extra efforts of DOEs may require on site Requires more time and efforts (as compared to CDM projects) on site Complete assessment team shall visit the site Geographical and sociological constrains on site Need to increase the sample size if variations in collected data Economical constrains, on the required efforts, for DOEs
14 Further guidance from UN Response from UN on some project specific clarifications as exceptional case More clarity on procedures for change in project design/RMP/deviations cases Specific guidance for sampling of CPAs and data collection Availability of PoA specific templates and forms
15 Employed 59,000 people and operate a network of more than 1,000 offices and laboratories around the world Verification of 27.4% of the total projects got CER issued (still stands on top)* Validation of 10.9% of the total registered projects* Dr. Kaviraj Singh Regional Operation Manager (ME & SEAP) Phone: Mobile: Web: Questions? Thanks You *UNEP RISO ( March, 2011http://cdmpipeline.org/