1 / x Project Planning CMMI Project Planning Jean-Luc Deprez Robin Leblon
2 / x Project Planning Project Planning Purpose Make an assessment of all time and resource consuming activities needed to complete the project Allow management/predictions based on assessment
3 / x Project Planning Project Planning Specific Goals SG 1 Establish Estimates n SP1.1 Estimate the Scope of the Project Non-formal WBS derived from Product Decomposition Mapped to Trac ticket and roadmap system for activity and milestone planning n SP1.2 Establish Estimates of Work Product and Task Attributes Only Multitouch estimates time needed in hours, no specific model used Time estimation other teams, mapped to weeks? Technical Decisions: architecture docs previous semester, experience and extra research [1],[2],[3],[4] Trac server [4] Trac server Multitouch
4 / x Project Planning Project Planning Specific Goals SG 1 Establish Estimates n SP1.3 Define Project Lifecycle Multitouch milestone moving == review meeting Hadra, Sprint evaluation and planning == review meeting artifacts (backlogs)? Mashed Up & WAFL about weekly milestone WAFL planning? Iterative development: Expanding functionality [1],[2],[3],[4] Trac server [ 6] Mashed Up Planning
5 / x Project Planning Project Planning Specific Goals SG 1 Establish Estimates n SP1.4 Determine Estimates of Effort and Cost Most project work unprecedented Sensible estimates based on personal jugement All projects have identified risks and critical required competencies Work time collected by all project may be of use for future projects [7],[8],[9] Time caputuring
6 / x Project Planning Project Planning Specific Goals SG 2 Develop a Project Plan n SP2.1 Establish the Budget and Schedule All projects have defined milestones Dependencies on by milestone basis Technology and risk research done early-on to protect dependent activities (company policy) Most important resource is manpower assigned on a by milestone basis [1],[2],[3],[4] Trac server
7 / x Project Planning Project Planning Specific Goals SG 2 Develop a Project Plan n SP2.2 Identify Project Risks Risk management is company policy early mitigation strategies Risk lists Mashed Up and WAFL? Risk list Hadra: many risks still open? n SP2.3 Plan for Data Management No data management policies have been formalized Some conventions for modifing the colaborative environments appear to be in place per project Lack of wiki structure policy Some projects wiki’s risk navigation difficulty [10],[11] Risk lists [12],[13] Collaborative environment Guidelines
8 / x Project Planning Project Planning Specific Goals SG 2 Develop a Project Plan n SP2.4 Plan for Project Resources Implicit man-hours allocaton through Trac Ticket ownership (Ticket maps to task) Membership of a dedicated team (e.g. devteam) All teams have server for CE Multitouch reserved time on Multitouch table (no succes so far, UGent == bad suplier) n SP2.5 Plan for Needed Knowledge and Skills No artifacts point out a available skill inventory (exception: Hadra Ruby experts) All Teams have multiple references to aquiring needed skill’s Tickets, Wiki, Reports… [1],[2],[3],[4] Trac server
9 / x Project Planning Project Planning Specific Goals SG 2 Develop a Project Plan n SP2.6 Plan Stakeholder Involvement WAFL has stakeholder involvement plan (artifact?) General stakeholder involvement: Coaching session Customer/Management meeting Review meeting Customer/Senior managemet meeting n SP2.7 Establish the Project Plan Roadmap serves as overall project plan Crude planning in place within 2 weeks [1],[2],[3],[4] Trac server
10 / x Process Planning Generic Practices GG 2 GP2.1 Establish an Organizational Policy n All projects have taken considerable time to make a feasible project planning. GP2.2 Plan the Process n Most groups have not “planned the planning” n Hadra had a well defined planning procedure (SCRUM) GP2.3 Provide Resources n Most groups have not used any extra resources for planning.
11 / x Process Planning Generic Practices GG 2 (2) GP2.4 Assign Responsibility n All teams have assigned a project manager n No specific responsibilities have been assigned for planning GP2.5 Train People n No specific training in respect to planning GP2.6 Manage Configurations n All projects use trac ticketing and wiki. n Some teams also include planning information in the version control system [1],[2],[3],[4] Trac server
12 / x Process Planning Generic Practices GG 2 (3) GP2.7 Identify and Involve Relevant Stakeholders n Required review meetings for customer involvement n Hadra has defined team involvement through SCRUM GP2.8 Monitor and Control the Process n Hadra, corrective actions besides the SCRUM’s? n Multitouch : follow-up of tickets after each milestone, transfer if needed. n Wafl : overdue tickets treated as risks and mediated as fast as possible [14] Hadra SCRUM
13 / x Process Planning Generic Practices GG 2 (3) GP2.9 Objectively Evaluate Adherence n Other than evaluation at review meetings no project has compared its planning to the planning standards and procedures GP2.10 Review Status with Higher Level Management n Review meetings with customer n Some groups have altered their planning after review with customer
14 / x Process Planning Generic Practices GG 3 GP3.1 Establish a Defined Process n Besides Hadra, no project had a planning process according a certain procedure or standard GP3.2 Collect Improvement Information n Idea : implement a knowledge base, so planning experience can be shared and preserved
15 / x Project Planning Project Planning Process Assets [1],[2],[3],[4] Trac server allows managing activities and milestones Wiki allows knowledge management Integrated with SVN version control
16 / x Project Planning Project Planning Process Assets Wiki
17 / x Project Planning Project Planning Process Assets Roadmap
18 / x Project Planning Project Planning Process Assets Tickets
19 / x Project Planning Project Planning Findings Strengths n Responsibility through Trac ticket onwership helps work progress Opportunities for Improvement n More detailed planning of activities and there dependencies possible (e.g. Gantt-Chart) Proposed Actions n Look to extend Trac to aid this, or find other Ticket system n Reuse man-hour data produced this year
20 / x Project Planning Project Planning References [1] Trac server Hadra [2] Trac server Mashedup [3] Trac server WAFL [4] Trac server Multitouch [5] CMMI for Development version [6] Mashed Up planning
21 / x Project Planning Project Planning References [7] Time tracking Multitouch UNBILLABLE=1&REOPENED=reopened&ASSIGNED=assigned&CLOSED=cl osed&NEW=new&ACCEPTED=accepted&STARTDATE=0&ENDDATE= UNBILLABLE=1&REOPENED=reopened&ASSIGNED=assigned&CLOSED=cl osed&NEW=new&ACCEPTED=accepted&STARTDATE=0&ENDDATE= [8] Time sheets Mashedup [9] Time sheets WAFL [10] Risk Multitouch [11] Warroomlist Hadra
22 / x Project Planning Project Planning Glossary CMMICapability Maturity Model Integration CEColaborative Environment WBSWork Breakdown system
23 / x Project Planning Project Planning References [12] Commit Guidelines Hadra [13] Richtlijnen Multitouch [14] Hadra SCRUM