SPINE Public library services in the East of England working together Mike Hosking Charles Harvey.


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Presentation transcript:

SPINE Public library services in the East of England working together Mike Hosking Charles Harvey

SPINE We are: Cambridgeshire, Norfolk, Suffolk, Essex, Thurrock, Southend and Hertfordshire Existing relationships and record of joint working (SCL and Co-East) Strategic endorsement by corporate directors (ADASS) Drivers Financial, Strategic Professional

Start up Gaining early agreement to a vision and common purpose Different starting points for original six, now seven, partners. Rules of engagement Feasibility funding from Improvement East Working to an ‘ambitious’ timetable First milestones- governance and project management resource

Our project approach AGILE Project - active participation - hot house, SCRUM, spikes, deep dives….this new terminology describes a more intense and focussed style of project working Fast paced work-streams, starting high level then identifying areas for more detailed analysis Everyone committed to putting in substantial capacity Working to an ambitious timetable

Potential to achieve 25% savings over 3 years Achievable within timescale Satisfies legal and statutory requirements Manageable risk Transferable and scaleable to other services, other authorities within the region, and to other regions Attractive to all stakeholders Key criteria

Hot house outcomes Shortlist of shared service options for investigation: Private Sector Company owned by partners Trust Potential Scope User stories to illustrate practical implications

Two delivery models have been designed They will require different forms of governance in terms of delivery vehicles Working on a cost benefit analysis to enable the board to decide which option goes ahead Appointed a consultant to test the robustness of the appraisal Appraisal complete by 12 th August for a board decision on the 19 th August Where we are…

Two models Shared services delivered by a single point, through a traded service or similar, offering stock management and supply, best practice, opportunity generation and horizon scanning for a number of specialisms. Leaving front line delivery and management (possibly) with councils. Full and separate regional library service, doing everything, via a separate legal entity. Commissioned by the local authority which retains statutory responsibility

Stakeholders Corporate sponsors Improvement East SCL (East of England) MLA Councillors Staff Citizens or customers Communities

Potential benefits / outcomes Service improvement V’s damage limitation Opportunity for us to do things differently: how will the offer and delivery of it change? maximise use of new technology Attract Investment Reduce costs / economies for scale Do it once for all avoid duplication standardise policies and process Improve customer experience pooled knowledge and resources

Learning and transferability.. Its been a journey (and will continue to be) Change is difficult, wherever you are Conceptual agreement to sharing or relinquishing control can be challenging when it stops being theoretical (turkeys and Christmas!) But we have experienced and are modelling remarkable professionalism, which is open and frank and not determined by self interest We have built stronger relationships, deepened our mutual understanding, and have a strong basis for what happens next. We’ll need these, especially at this stage when we are going to discuss and agree which model we take ahead

Current pace of change - time is running out! Started December 2009 Implement April 2011 Financial – obtaining accurate costs reliable budget projections cash flow Members accepting radical solution Regional efficiencies V’s local offer Need for continued community involvement Legality Investment Challenges

Conclusions The drivers and the precedents get more and more pressing as the budget situation gets clearer and tougher Working together offers opportunities to preserve and vitally to continue to develop the best of the excellent public library services that we have – do we have any other choice? What is success?

Contacts Charles Harvey SPINE Project Manager Essex County Council mob: Mike Hosking