Constant Crushing Programme
The Programme The Benefits The Options The Figures
The Programme 100% outsourced solution The Constant Crushing Programme (CCP) has been created specifically to minimise the risk of production downtime by combining the purchase, maintenance and warranty of the Ore Sizer VSI crusher into a single, easy to manage 3yr or 5yr contract Customers of Ore Sizer CCP enjoy total peace of mind and the highest possible production output in return for a fixed monthly fee for the duration of he programme The CCP has significant business benefits and a quantifiable return on investment to justify your investment The Programme –100% outsourced solution –Significant advantages The Benefits The Options The Figures
The Programme Significant advantages over standard capital purchase minimal risk of downtime (maximise production) predictable fixed costs (no surprises) instant start (instant return on investment) cash flow advantages (off-balance payments) no additional operational overheads for the duration of the programme The Programme –100% outsourced solution –Significant advantages The Benefits The Options The Figures
The Benefits Better cash flow –Tax advantages monthly payments are allowable expenses against corporation tax no capital depreciation involved –Minimal up-front payments no capital outlay rapid return of deposit amounts keep cash assets in the bank –No additional outlay no requirement for in-house maintenance staff all spares, service and maintenance costs included in the programme The Programme The Benefits –Better cash flow –Minimum risk –Instant start –Improved Productivity The Options The Figures
The Benefits Minimum risk –Minimise downtime preventative maintenance replacement of wear parts prior to failure –Maximise production time where ever possible the Ore Sizer VSI crusher is kept running –Predictive maintenance regular on-site maintenance checks regular electrical and mechanical monitoring full consignment of wear parts delivered for the duration of the programme delivered on site from day one –Predictive costs same every month, no surprises The Programme The Benefits –Better cash flow –Minimum risk –Instant start –Improved Productivity The Options The Figures
The Benefits Instant start –In profit from month 1 Ore Sizer VSI crusher earns its keep from day one from production income –Rapid payback of investment Ore Sizer VSI crusher only needs to run for a few hours each month to recover investment Deposits are quickly returned The Programme The Benefits –Better cash flow –Minimum risk –Instant start –Improved Productivity The Options The Figures
Improved Productivity The Programme The Benefits –Better cash flow –Minimum risk –Instant start –Improved Productivity The Options The Figures The Ore Sizer VSI Crusher enables the customer to develop completely ranges of products where required has the lowest operational cost available of any VSI crusher on the market can easily control and guarantee final product shape and size has differential crushing capabilities that enable mixed feed products to be separated (e.g. lignite from sand and gravel, steel ore from slag, precious metals from rock, even labels and metal caps from glass bottles!)
The Options Option 1 - Operational Lease (rent) –Deposit zero –VAT payable monthly, recoverable each VAT return –Depreciation no assets on books (therefore no depreciation period required) all payments are non-capital goods, fully deductible against profit i.e. 100% off- balance –End-of-lease options give back to Ore Sizer buy it from Ore Sizer –Additional Costs none (all spares, wear parts, service and maintenance costs included) The Programme The Benefits The Options –Operational Lease –Hire Purchase The Figures
The Options Option 2 - Hire Purchase –Deposit 10% plus all VAT –VAT all up-front Vat payments (deposit) recoverable on next VAT return –Depreciation on-balance depreciation of capital goods at 25% per annum (on a reducing balance basis) All interest payments are allowable expenses against corporation tax –End-of-purchase options ownership on payment of £10 ‘option to purchase’ management fee (included in final month’s payment) –Additional costs none (all spares, wear parts, service and maintenance costs included) The Programme The Benefits The Options –Operational Lease –Hire Purchase The Figures
Operational Lease (rent) –3 yr Analysis (actual example) total Investment £205,200 monthly Investment £5,700 –Return on Investment working hours p.a. 2,000 tonnage per hour 200 Ore Sizer crushing cost per tonne £0.17 retail income per tonne £10.00 no of hours production per month to recover investment3 hours »N.B. above financial data is intended for guidance only and does not constitute a quotation or offer. »N.B. monthly investment figures are set by the finance company and variations are result of decisions made by their underwriters. The Programme The Benefits The Options The Figures –Operational Lease 3yr –Operational Lease 5yr –Hire Purchase 3yr –Hire Purchase 5yr
The Figures Operational Lease (rent) –5 yr Analysis (actual example) total Investment £288,000 monthly Investment £4,800 –Return on Investment working hours p.a. 2,000 tonnage per hour 200 Ore Sizer crushing cost per tonne £0.14 retail income per tonne £10.00 no of hours production per month to recover investment2 hours »N.B. above financial data is intended for guidance only and does not constitute a quotation or offer. »N.B. monthly investment figures are set by the finance company and variations are result of decisions made by their underwriters. The Programme The Benefits The Options The Figures –Operational Lease 3yr –Operational Lease 5yr –Hire Purchase 3yr –Hire Purchase 5yr
The Figures Hire Purchase –3 yr Analysis (actual example) total Investment £226,800 monthly Investment £6,300 –Return on Investment working hours p.a. 2,000 tonnage per hour 200 Ore Sizer crushing cost per tonne £0.19 retail income per tonne £10.00 no of hours production per month to recover investment3 hours »N.B. above financial data is intended for guidance only and does not constitute a quotation or offer. »N.B. monthly investment figures are set by the finance company and variations are result of decisions made by their underwriters. The Programme The Benefits The Options The Figures –Operational Lease 3yr –Operational Lease 5yr –Hire Purchase 3yr –Hire Purchase 5yr
The Figures Hire Purchase –5 yr Analysis (actual example) total Investment £306,000 monthly Investment £5,100 –Return on Investment working hours p.a. 2,000 tonnage per hour 200 Ore Sizer crushing cost per tonne £0.15 retail income per tonne £10.00 no of hours production per month to recover investment2 hours »N.B. above financial data is intended for guidance only and does not constitute a quotation or offer. »N.B. monthly investment figures are set by the finance company and variations are result of decisions made by their underwriters. The Programme The Benefits The Options The Figures –Operational Lease 3yr –Operational Lease 5yr –Hire Purchase 3yr –Hire Purchase 5yr
Summary 100% outsourced solution Peace of mind - Ore Sizer manages the VSI crusher to ensure your production capacity remains at maximum performance for the duration of the programme Maintenance – regular, planned servicing means we fix it before it breaks Consumables – predictive wear assessment means we replace all wear parts before they wear out Extended warranties – all warranties are covered as part of the programme