Research Methods & Writing a Hypothesis
Scientific Method Hypothesis What you expect to happen Subjects The who (or what) of the study Variables The things that can change Independent Variables (IV) What the experimenter manipulates/changes Dependent Variables (DV) What changes as a result of the changes in IV
Lab Experiments In a controlled environment Field Experiments NOT in a controlled environment Conducted in a natural setting Experimental Group The critical part of the experiment is performed on this group Control Group Does not participate in the critical part of the experiment
Other Methods Survey Questions on feelings, opinions, behavior patterns Naturalistic Observation Watching people without their knowledge You will do this with your observation assignment Interview Guided questions
Case Study Collect details/info about a subject. Helps determine psych. treatment Psychological Tests Observe & measure (Objective!) Cross-sectional Method Study different age groups at same time Used to understand changes that occur during life span Longitudinal Study same person/group over time
Writing Hypotheses A hypothesis is used to help guide an experimental investigation. It is an educated guess about the relationship between the independent variable (IV) and dependent variable (DV). A hypothesis is testable, and the experimental investigation can be done based on the hypothesis.
Writing Hypotheses One way to write a hypothesis is to use an “if…, then…” statement to show cause and effect (relationship). In other words, what effect does the independent variable have on the dependent variable? Or what does the independent variable cause the dependent variable to do?
Writing Hypotheses If the independent variable changes, then the dependent variable will change. You will state the actual variables and describe the type of changes you expect in the hypothesis.
Writing Hypotheses Avoid the word “may” Avoid predictions Avoid conclusions
Writing Hypotheses If the independent variable changes, then the dependent variable will change. OR… If the change to the DV is related to IV, then changing the IV will result in a change to DV. You will state the actual variables and describe the type of changes you will manipulate and expect to see in the hypothesis.
Example: Question: Does the amount of sleep affect how well a student will perform on the ISAT? –What can be changed? If students increase the amount of sleep they get, then students will get higher scores on their test. IV: Sleep >>>> change = amount DV: Test Score >>>> change = increase/higher
Example: Question: Does the amount of sleep affect how well a student will perform on the ISAT? –What can be changed? If student performance on the ISAT is related to the amount of sleep they get, then students that are well rested will get higher scores on their test. IV: Sleep >>>> change = amount DV: Test Score >>>> change = increase/higher