Communicative and Academic English for the EFL Professional.


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Presentation transcript:

Communicative and Academic English for the EFL Professional

Today’s Class (1) Go over chapter 2. (2) Discuss Research Paper Introduction

Research Paper Format Your research paper will adhere to the following format: Abstract Introduction Methods Results Discussion References

Introductions Today we will begin thinking about our introductions. For homework you will have to write a rough draft of your introduction.

Introductions: Checklist We will briefly go over an introduction checklist. You will be able to revise your introduction later so don’t fret too much over your writing. The important thing for this week is to get something down on paper so that we can begin the process of peer editing.

Introductions: Structure G-S Your introduction should follow a general to specific structure. This is called G-S writing. You begin with an introduction to the general topic of interest and work your way down to a very specific research problem, research question, and research hypothesis. The writing goes from broad to narrow.

Introductions: Structure G-S In other words, your introduction should begin by setting your research topic in a broad context. It should finish by narrowing down to a very specific research question.

Introductions: Structure G-S Working with a partner, order the following outline from broad to narrow. Discussion of research on the use of display and referential questions in ESL classes. Discussion of research on the use of display and referential questions in all classrooms. Discussion of research on questioning practices of teachers. Discussion of research on the length and syntactical complexity of response by students to display and referential questions.

Can you think of a possible research question that the outline from the previous slide is heading towards?

Introductions: Structure G-S Working with a partner, order the following outline from broad to narrow. A discussion of research done on recasts.(Recasts are one type of corrective feedback.) A description of the types of corrective feedback used by teachers. A discussion of research on the effectiveness of recasts done on adults in communicative language classrooms. Discussion of the history of research on corrective feedback in language classrooms.

Can you think of a possible research question that the outline from the previous slide is heading towards?

Definitions Your introduction should include definitions of relevant terms that you will be using. However, be careful not to define terms that are so commonly understood as to be general knowledge. So for example, in a linguistics paper on corrective feedback you may need to define ‘corrective feedback’ and ‘recast’ but probably won’t need to define ‘linguistics.’

State of Current Research In your introduction you should include the state of current research. This means it should include what research has been done previously. The informs your reader of the topic at hand so they are able to follow your paper and it also allows you to display your knowledge of the field and establish yourself as an authority in the field.

Rationale for Your Research In your introduction you have to justify the importance of your research. You can do this in one of two ways: (a) Indicate that there is ‘considerable interest’ among the research community in your topic. In other words, your topic is a timely one. (b) Demonstrate that there is a problem (or a gap) in the research literature that your paper will address.

State a Specific Research Question and Hypothesis Once you’ve identified a problem your introduction should state a specific research question or questions and provide your hypothesis.

Generate Interest An important goal of research papers is to generate interest