Name:___________________ Room #_____________
Science Fair Contract By signing below I realize I am responsible for: Paying Attention in Class Asking Questions when I don’t understand directions Turning in each assignment on its DUE DATE. Always handing in my BEST Quality Work. Planning ahead of time Finding, Borrowing, or Buying needed supplies. Asking my teacher and parents to support me. Using class time wisely to do my work. Student Signature____________________________________ Parent Signature ____________________________________ Due:____________________________________
Deciding my Science Fair Question Topic: What area of science do you think you want to work in? Ex. Physical Science- Magnetism * Science can help you with this!* ___________________________________________________________ Due: Week of March 19 Problem: What question in your science topic do you want to study? (Ex. What materials are attracted to a magnet?) _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ Due: Week of March 19
Researching your question Once you have a question you want to study the next step is to gather information about your problem. You will have two days in the classroom to research with books, I-pads, and laptops. During this time you will take notes about your science topic. Your research paper should be 1-2 typed pages, 12 font, double spaced. DUE: Monday April 9 DON’T FORGET TO CITE! 1)________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ 2)________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ 3)________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ 4)________________________________ _________________________________
Making my Hypothesis After researching, you are an expert on your science topic and question. Now it is time to use that information and make an educated guess of what you think will happen in your experiment. (I think that copper, iron, and silver will attract magnets, I think plastic and paper will not because Hypothesis:________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ Due: March 28 (Wed.)
Materials List EVERY material you will need to do your experiment. Use metric measurements! Due: March 30 (Friday)
Procedure/ Steps to your Experiment What are the exact steps you will follow in your experiment? Your directions should be so clear that someone else could read and follow them and do the same exact experiment! No personal pronouns (I, you, we)! Due: March 30 (Friday)
Data This is your table or chart where you recorded your information from your experiment. You may write on the back of this page.
Results Tells what happened in your experiment – your data-could be quaLitative or quaNtitative. May in the form of a paragraph or graph. Use your graphing checklist. Due: April 16, Monday
Conclusion Start with “My hypothesis was supported/disproved because..” What do the results mean? Draw conclusions ** Use your data to back up your conclusion! (EVIDENCE) “This means…” What was most challenging? What did you learn? When did you feel the most successful during this experiment? If you were going to do this again, what might you do differently? _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ Due: April 20 (Friday)
Final Science Fair Report Title Page: Your name, Project title, Room number, and date. Hand written or typed (size 12, Arial) There should be a heading for each page in this report. (problem, research, hypothesis, materials, procedure, results, conclusion) Each heading should be BOLD and in size 18 font. Report is to be stapled and put into a folder, pronged report cover. You will have 2 days in the computer lab to type this report. Due: April 27 (Friday)
Display Board You will present your project to the class and judges using a display board. The 3 piece boards that stand up well are recommended. You will have 2 days to work on it in class, but you will most likely have to work on some of it at home. Below is an outline for you to decide how it will look. Due: April 27 (Friday)
My Checklist Due Date Me ( check when done)Mrs. JacksonGrade Topic (5 points) Fri. March 23 /5 Problem (5 points) Fri. March 23 /5 Research (20 points) Mon. April 9 /20 Hypothesis (5 points) Wed. March 28 /5 Materials (5 points) Fri. March30 /5 Procedure (5 points) Fri. March 30 /5 Data/ Results (10 points) Mon. April 16 /10 Conclusion (10 points) Fri. April 20 /10 Final Report (25 pts) Fri. April 27 /25 Display Board (10 points) Fri. April 27 /10 Total /100