COMM 250 Agenda - Week 12 Housekeeping RP2 Due Wed. RAT 5 – Wed. (FBK 12, 13) Lecture Experiments Descriptive and Inferential Statistics
In-Class Team Exercise # 8 – (Review) First Do as Individuals, then produce a Team Version: 1) Design a Factorial Experiment to answer these questions: Which can be read faster on a web site - plain text (plain black letters on a white background, no links) or text supplemented in some way? What other variables might affect a user’s ability to read text? (Name 3 and then Choose one for Step 2) 2) Draw a table of the design - at least 3 levels of one variable, 2 of another (you choose the second IV) Label the 2 IVs and Label Their Levels 3) Write out 2 Hypotheses (H1, H2): One Predicting Effects of IV 1, the other the Effects of IV 2 4) Declare the DV (It is in your H1, H2) 5) List Two (“People”) Variable you Should “Control for”
Statistics Why Study Statistics ? Integral to the “Scientific Method” Seeing the Forest Amid the Trees Describing (Sports Statistics) Inferring (Correlates of Cancer) Predicting (Science, Business) To Pursue an ‘Objective’ View
Statistics Descriptive Statistics: a way to summarize data Inferential Statistics: strategies for estimating population characteristics from data gathered on a sample
Descriptive Statistics Measures of Central Tendency Used to describe similarities among scores What number best describes the entire distribution? Measures of Dispersion Used to describe differences among scores How much do scores vary?
Descriptive Statistics Measures of Central Tendency MeanThe Average MediumThe Middle Score ModeThe Most Common Score
Measures of Dispersion Range The Highest & Lowest Scores Variance A Measure Of Dispersion Equal To The Average Distance Of The Scores, Squared, From The Mean Of All Scores, Divided By N Standard Deviation The Square Root Of The Variance (Dispersion About The Mean, Based In The Original Units)
Inferential Statistics Used For - Estimation To Extrapolate from a Sample to a Population Significance Testing To Determine the Importance of Observed Differences; e.g., Between Groups or Variables
Using Inferential Statistics for Estimation Purpose To Estimate (Extrapolate) from a Sample (Statistic) to a Population (Parameter) Reason Why It Saves Time and Money (Don’t Have to Survey/Measure the Entire Population) A Statistic Measure of a Sample (E.g., Comm250) on Some Variable E.g., Average (Mean) Height of Comm250 Students A Parameter A Characteristic of a Population (E.g., Virginia) E.g., Average (Mean) Height of Residents of VA
Inferential Statistics Note: When Statistics are Used for Estimation, this is the “Heart” of Using Statistics to Infer - Statistic Measure of a Sample (E.g., HSers taking SAT in ‘02) on Some Variable E.g., Average (Mean) SAT score in 2002 E.g., Average (Mean) SAT score Among GMU Freshmen Parameter A Characteristic of a Population (E.g., All HSers Who Have Taken the SAT) E.g., Average (Mean) SAT Across ALL HSers (50 years?)
Parametric & Non-Parametric Parametric Statistics Stats Used to Establish Attributes of a Population Based on Attributes of a Sample Non-Parametric Statistics Stats Used ONLY to Describe The Attributes of a Sample No Generalization Back to Its Population is Attempted
Inferential Statistics Estimation of Population Parameters Assumes: A Normal Distribution “Bell-Shaped Curve” Most Variables ARE Normally Distributed A Random Sample Unless Some Form of Random Sampling is Used, the Sample Will NOT be “Representative” of the Population (to Which One Wishes to Generalize)
Significance Testing Analyzing Sample Data To Test Hypotheses About Populations By Convention, There are Always Two H: The Null (H 0 : No Differences) The Experimental (H 1 : Differences Exist) Hypotheses One-Tailed = Directional Two-Tailed = 2-Directional (Non-Directional)
Testing The Null Hypothesis Set The Significance Level Compute The Calculated Value Compare This To The Critical Value Needed To Reject The Null
Testing Differences Nominal Data:Chi Square Test Ordinal Data:Median Test Interval DataT-Test, ANOVA, & Ratio Data: Regression
Types of Variables Definition: “Concepts that take on 2 or more values” Nominal = Equal Groupings (Gender, Race, Political Party) Ordered = Some Priority or Rank Ordinal Rank Order: (Hottest Days, Top Ten) Interval Equal Intervals: (Temp., IQ, Scale from 1-7) Ratio Interval, with a “True” Zero (Weight; Height)
t-Test and ANOVA The t-test 2 independent samples (groups) Are the samples different ? A Different Online Example to TryExample Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) 2 or more levels of a (Discrete) IV Often Multiple IVs; Single DV Factorial Designs Main Effects; Interactions
In-Class Team Exercise # 9 First Do as Individuals, then produce a Team Version: A professor believes that posting “practice quizzes” increases student test scores. He provides online quizzes to class A but not to class B. 1) What is the Research Hypothesis? The Null? 2) Conduct a t-test on the Following Quiz 1 Scores:t-test Scores from Class A: 12, 12, 12, 11, 11, 11, 10, 9 Scores from Class B: 9, 8, 8, 7, 7, 7, 6, 4 3) What Conclusion Can Be Drawn? Deliverable : a written version – showing all work
Review of: In-Class Team Exercise # 9 The answers are on the link on the previous page, or click on this link for answers.this link for answers You will be required to do a similar problem (a t-test and the accompanying questions) on P-RAT 6 and in-class RAT
In-Class Team Exercise # 10 Produce a Team Version only: How does talking on a cell phone affect driving? Design a 3 x 2 Factorial Experiment (draw a Table) You Must Use These IVs: Level of Driving Experience (Pick 3 Levels) Type of Distraction (Pick 3: Cell Phone, Changing CDs, You choose #3) Write out 2 Hypotheses (H1, H2): Your DV should be: MPH deviation from the average speed on the road One Predicting the Effects of Driving Experience One Predicting Differences Due to Type of Distraction Label the 2 IVs and Label Their Levels List Two Other Variables you Should “Control for”