By Olivia Miller & Zaria Usher & Kiya Boon
If you wont to make money with old things you can………… go to And sell your electronics and people reuse them and you even get paid!!!!!!!! As of New Year's Day, you won't be able to just throw them out. On Jan. 1, 2011, the State of Connecticut will enact a new law prohibiting residents from tossing consumer electronics or "e-waste" into the trash.
CausesEffects Throwing away your electronicsMost of these Electronic, components are made of materials that can pollute the environment
QuestionThink about your topic and the background. Who can help you? Electronic maker What do you already know about this? Some of the materials in Electronics can cause pollution problems when you throw them away so that shows that it is now a law that you have to recycle these electronics. Where are you doing this? We are going to do this project At school and at People’s house. When will you do this? We will do this protect Starting April 4 th, 2011 And further more Why is it a good idea? It is a good idea Because the environment is very important and no that we have discovered that you should not throw away electronics we are trying to spread around this mew law. How will you do this? We will do this by hopefully trying to get all people to not throw away their electronics by making posters and just verbally spreading the word
QuestionConditional Statement If, Then Statement How can we get a lot of people to know about this law? I think after Sample: Most commonly, hypotheses take three formats: 1.a question, "Does temperature affect fermentation?" 2.a conditional statement, "Temperature may affect fermentation." If, then statement, "If fermentation rate is related to temperature, then increasing the temperature will increase gas production.
1. Start with your solution. 2. Investigate your topic-conduct background research. # 3. Identify the problem -figure out what you want to know or explain. 4. Form a hypothesis. 5. Create an experiment-determine how you will find data to learn what you want to know or explain. 6. Perform the experiment-collect data about your topic. 7. Write your report-give a review of your entire process from your background research to your experimental results. 8. Make a Web 2.0 Presentation regarding your hypothesis, research, experiment, data and conclusion. Article Source: