Diffraction: Real Sample (From Chapter 5 of Textbook 2, Chapter 9 of reference 1,) Different sizes, strains, amorphous, ordering Diffraction peaks
t = md hkl + …… m Constructive Interference + + . … Destructive interference: extra path difference (plane 0 and plane m/2): /2
<< 1 cos ~ 1 and sin ~ . = t Broadening ( ): FWHM Thickness dependent (just like slits)
2B2B 2( B - )2( B + ) Scherrer’s formula K: in general = 0.9 but very close to 1 depends on the crystal shape
22 2B2B The size of the reciprocal lattice point 1/t
Interference function: B intensity ≠0; 2 (s – s 0 )/ ≠G. Now (s - s 0 )/ is deviation from the reciprocal lattice:
The same as the Fraunhofer diffraction for a one dimensional net
Interference function For reasonable number of unit cells, ripples beyond main peak are very weak Some define interference function as
Telling the same thing: Size of reciprocal lattice points (nodes): point 1/t
Mosaic Structure B - < < B + .
Strain b: extra broadening induced by the non uniform strain Strain peak shift
Directly sum over all the scattered waves: Amorphous and partially crystalline samples individual atoms electron density (x).
individual atoms: x 1, x 2, …, x n. Density of electron cloud of the n th atom (x n ) n (x - x n ) Atomic form factor Total density of electron cloud: xnxn x x - x n } Fourier Transform
Scattering power of the object: Unit scattering power: n = n term:
n n term: N(N-1) Identical atoms or atomic groups with structure factor F.
Expression in term of electron density Define x = u - u;
Patterson Function or Autocorrelation Function with respect to atomic density Inverse Fourier transform N identical atoms or atomic groups: F (common scattering or structure factor) a as the local atomic density instead of electron density
autocorrelation with itself Autocorrelation with all other atoms pair correlation function where Pair correlation (distribution) function g(x): related to the probability of finding the center of a particle a given distance from the center of another particle
From intensity measurement Fourier transform S(G) - 1 g(x) V: volume Example:
There are free software on the internet that can be downloaded for extracting PCF. E.g. etc.