Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Select a Topic Start with an outline Formulate a hypothesis Introduction Research the Topic Use appropriate sources Create.


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Presentation transcript:

Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Select a Topic Start with an outline Formulate a hypothesis Introduction Research the Topic Use appropriate sources Create note cards using color coding Write phrases, not sentences Do not copy from sources Write the First Draft Organize note cards Complete the outline using note cards Add conclusion (does research support your hypothesis) Edit and Revise a Final Copy Use PATS to obtain feedback Check grammar and spelling Use proper typed format Include a proper Bibliography The Research Process

Select a Topic Begin an outline – you will just have the first section (I) for Introduction Develop a hypothesis – What you do NOT know but are surmising – Why you think your hypothesis might be true Develop the introduction (presenting your hypothesis)

Research the Topic Use appropriate sources (on-line, books, encyclopedias) You may not use Wikipedia – It is unreliable and unverified – If you choose to use it, you choose to earn 0 Record notes on note cards – Include bibliography cards – Use color coding – Write phrases, not sentences

Write the First Draft Organize note cards into a sensible order Use the organized note cards to complete the outline – Need at least 2 sub-sections (II and III) – Need a conclusion (IV) Develop your conclusion – Does research support your hypothesis or not Write the first draft of the paper

Edit and Revise a Final Copy Use PATS with peers or adults to receive feedback on your paper Use feedback to make changes to your paper Double-check your grammar and spelling Use the proper format – Arial 12-point font – Double-spaced (use paragraph formatting) Include a Bibliography in proper format

Quiz next Monday You will have a quiz over this process next Monday Study between now and next Monday Passing the quiz enables you to begin working on your next paper Not passing the quiz puts you behind and gives you extra work on learning the process