Talent 21 Project Research & Experiment Information By Emily Matthews
Background Information I am growing mint, mint was found in ancient times. Mint is a herb used in a lot of things. Mint can be used in… Mint whip-cream ice-cream ice tea Milkshakes The whole project is on plants and witch plant grows better? The plant (mint) in the soil or in the fertilizer? This all affects my ecological footprint by eating fresh foods and making a garden to help out me and the local environment!
Causes and Effects CausesEffects Using fertilizerPlants grow good Using to much fertilizerGets into water ways Growing fresh plantsEating healthy Better health/life
5W’s and an H QuestionThink about your topic and the background. Who can help you?My parents What do you already know about this? Fertilizer helps plants and it makes them grow good, and eating fresh home grown plants is good for you. Where are you doing this? At my fathers house When will you do this? Saturday Why is it a good idea? Because growing plants is good for the environment How will you do this? By planting plants two different kinds of plants and having half or the plants in fertilizer and seeing witch one grows better.
Resources Cited 1. maintenance-care/fertilizing/fertilizer-and-the- environment.php AAPyICS 3. farm-info.html
Hypothesis QuestionConditional StatementIf, Then Statement Planting foods will help the environment by… Eating fresh foods and making a garden. If, eating healthy is good I could bring some of the food to other people. Will fertilizer really help plants? Fertilizer helps plants if you put just the right amount on the plants. If, you put on to much the fertilizer could get into water ways and be toxic.
The graph shows that mint grows better in fertilizer then regular fertilizer.
I Have Concluded In my experiment I have concluded that if you plant mint in regular soul and fertilizer, the mint in the fertilizer will grow faster. I observed the plant for 2 weeks and found that the plant in the soil grew slower. soil fertilizer
What I Have Learned What have learned from this project is that fertilizer is a great tool when it comes to planting and growing the plants. Soil is still the traditional use of growing plants, but next time all of my plants will have fertilizer.
Experiment Design an experiment to test your hypothesis 1. Start with your solution. 2. Investigate your topic-conduct background research. 3. Identify the problem -figure out what you want to know or explain. 4. Form a hypothesis. 5. Create an experiment-determine how you will find data to learn what you want to know or explain. 6. Perform the experiment-collect data about your topic. 7. Write your report-give a review of your entire process from your background research to your experimental results. 8. Make a Web 2.0 Presentation regarding your hypothesis, research, experiment, data and conclusion. Article Source: