Collaborators: David R. Nelson, Ariel Amir Two methods of numerically computing the inverse localization length in one dimension Naomichi Hatano University of Tokyo Collaborators: David R. Nelson, Ariel Amir
Chebyshev polynomial expansion (2015) Non-Hermitian Anderson model (1996)
Anderson Localization
Anderson Localization
In Three Dimensions density of states localized extended energy Fermi energy Fermi energy mobility edge
In One Dimension Destructive interference
In One Dimension κ : inverse localization length Almost all states are localized. κ : inverse localization length
Inverse Localization Length higher energy → long localization length → small κ lower energy → short localization length → large κ κ : inverse localization length
1d tight-binding model −3 −2 −1 1 2 3 hopping random potential
1d tight-binding model
Transfer-matrix method
Non-Hermitian Anderson model (1996) 1d tight-binding model Non-Hermitian Anderson model (1996)
Non-Hermitian Anderson model N. Hatano and D.R. Nelson, PRL 77 (96) 570; PRB 56 (97) 8651 −3 −2 −1 1 2 3
Non-Hermitian Anderson model N. Hatano and D.R. Nelson, PRL 77 (96) 570; PRB 56 (97) 8651
Non-Hermitian Anderson model N. Hatano and D.R. Nelson, PRL 77 (96) 570; PRB 56 (97) 8651 1000 sites, periodic boundary condition
Imaginary Vector Potential N. Hatano and D.R. Nelson, PRL 77 (96) 570; PRB 56 (97) 8651 imaginary vector potential vector potential
N. Hatano and D.R. Nelson, PRL 77 (96) 570; PRB 56 (97) 8651 Gauge Transformation N. Hatano and D.R. Nelson, PRL 77 (96) 570; PRB 56 (97) 8651 Gauge Transformation
Imaginary Gauge Transformation N. Hatano and D.R. Nelson, PRL 77 (96) 570; PRB 56 (97) 8651 Imaginary Gauge Transformation
Non-Hermitian Anderson model N. Hatano and D.R. Nelson, PRL 77 (96) 570; PRB 56 (97) 8651 1000 sites, periodic boundary condition
Imaginary Gauge Transformation N. Hatano and D.R. Nelson, PRL 77 (96) 570; PRB 56 (97) 8651
1d tight-binding model
Non-Hermitian Anderson model N. Hatano and D.R. Nelson, PRL 77 (96) 570; PRB 56 (97) 8651 1000 sites, periodic boundary condition
Non-Hermitian Anderson model (1996) 1000 sites 1 sample
Random-hopping model
Imaginary Gauge Transformation N. Hatano and D.R. Nelson, PRL 77 (96) 570; PRB 56 (97) 8651 periodic boundary condition
Non-Hermitian Anderson model N. Hatano and D.R. Nelson, PRL 77 (96) 570; PRB 56 (97) 8651
1000 sites 1 sample Chebyshev polynomial expansion (2015) Non-Hermitian Anderson model (1996) 1000 sites 1 sample
Chebyshev Polynomial Expansion of the density of states R.N. Silver and H. Röder (1994) N×N Hermitian matrix: H : Chebyshev polynomial
Chebyshev Polynomial Expansion of the density of states R.N. Silver and H. Röder (1994)
Chebyshev Polynomial Expansion of the density of states R.N. Silver and H. Röder (1994) Recursive Relation
Chebyshev Polynomial Expansion of the density of states R.N. Silver and H. Röder (1994) (i) (ii) cutoff (iii)
Chebyshev Polynomial Expansion of the density of states 1000 sites 1 sample up to 1000th order
Thouless Formula D.J. Thouless, J. Phys. C 5 (1972) 77
Chebyshev Polynomial Expansion of the inverse localization length N. Hatano (2015) (n ≥ 1)
Chebyshev Polynomial Expansion of the inverse localization length N. Hatano (2015) (i) (ii) cutoff (iii)
Chebyshev Polynomial Expansion of the inverse localization length N. Hatano (2015) Chebyshev polynomial expansion (2015) 1000 sites 1 sample up to 1000th order Non-Hermitian Anderson model (1996)
J. Feinberg and A. Zee, PRE 59 (1999) 6433 Random Sign Model J. Feinberg and A. Zee, PRE 59 (1999) 6433 −3 −2 −1 1 2 3
Random Sign Model E 10000 sites 1 sample MOTHRA: Random Sign Model J. Feinberg and A. Zee, PRE 59 (1999) 6433 E 10000 sites 1 sample
A. Amir, N. Hatano and D.R. Nelson, work in progress Random Sign Model A. Amir, N. Hatano and D.R. Nelson, work in progress −3 −2 −1 1 2 3
A. Amir, N. Hatano and D.R. Nelson, work in progress Random Sign Model A. Amir, N. Hatano and D.R. Nelson, work in progress E κ = 0.1 g=0.0 10000 sites 1 sample g=0.1 10000 sites 1 sample