A.K.Perumal CDM – MP,SSC-WG,RIT member. Large Scale Methodologies.


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Presentation transcript:

A.K.Perumal CDM – MP,SSC-WG,RIT member

Large Scale Methodologies

AM 0031 Bus Rapid Transit Projects - Allows use of more gaseous fossil fuels to be used in the project scenario than in the baseline scenario AM0070 Manufacturing of energy efficient domestic refrigerators- Market benchmark based on data from a national labeling scheme where such a labeling scheme exists and where labeled refrigerators are the most efficient refrigerators in the host country. ACM0006 Consolidated methodology for electricity and heat generation from biomass residues. – Inclusion of use biogas produced from wastewater treatment as fuel. ACM0018 Consolidated methodology for electricity generation from biomass residues in power-only plants - expands the applicability of the methodology to project activities in which biomass residues undergo shredding, briquetting or pelletization prior to combustion. AM 0028-Catalytic N20 destruction - expands the applicability of the methodology to cover project activities that use HPO® process for the production of Caprolactam. AM0057: Avoided emissions from biomass wastes through use as feed stock in pulp and paper production or in bio-oil production - extension to card board and fibre board. ACM0014: Mitigation of greenhouse gas emissions from treatment of industrial wastewater – Separation of solid materials and Dewatering and land application ACM0006:Consolidated methodology for electricity and heat generation from BM residues-Deconsolidation

AM0081 Flare or vent reduction at coke plants through the conversion of their waste gas into DME for use as a fuel AM0082 Use of charcoal from planted renewable biomass in the iron ore reduction process through the establishment of a new iron ore reduction system. AM0083 Avoidance of landfill gas emission by in-situ aeration AM0084 Installation of co-generation system supplying electricity and chilled water to new and existing consumers AM0085 Co-firing of biomass residues for electricity generation in grid connected power plants AM0086 Installation of zero energy water purifier for safe drinking water application AM0087 Construction of a new natural gas power plant supplying electricity to the grid or a single consumer AM0088 Air separation using cryogenic energy recovered from the vaporization of LNG AM0089 Production of diesel using a mixed feedstock of gasoil and vegetable oil - Exclusion of consumers. AM0090 Modal shift in transportation of cargo from road transportation to water or rail transportation ACM0018 Consolidated methodology for electricity generation from biomass residues in power-only plants Methodology Booklet.

Tool to determine the baseline efficiency of thermal or electric energy generation systems. Draft guidelines on apportioning emissions to co- product(s) and by-product(s). Draft tool to determine the remaining lifetime of equipment. Tool to determine the mass flow of a greenhouse gas in a gaseous stream. General guidelines for sampling and surveys for Small-Scale CDM project activities. Micro scale additionality guidance. Baseline scenario identification for small scale project activities- Greenfield and Capacity Expansion. Note on permanence of emission reductions.

AM 0055 Recovery and utilization of waste gas in refinery facilities – EB 60 ACM 0007 Open cycle to combined cycle – use of simplified (fixed) baseline – EB 60 AM0031: Baseline methodology for bus rapid transit projects AM 0001 : HFC revision Tool to determine methane emissions avoided from disposal of waste at a solid waste disposal site Tool to determine project emissions from flaring gases containing methane ACM0001: Consolidated baseline and monitoring methodology for landfill gas project activities. AM0025: Avoided emissions from organic waste through alternative waste treatment processes.

Tool to determine project emissions from anaerobic digesters. Tool to determine project emissions from aerobic treatment of solid waste. Tool for baseline scenario identification and baseline emission calculations. Tool to calculate the emission factor for an electricity system. - countries with a paucity of relevant data, including providing flexibility for the calculation of grid emission factors. Future anthropogenic emissions by sources are projected to rise above current levels due to specific circumstances of the host Party. Sampling guidance – Integration with the SSC guidelines. Tool for estimation of GHG emissions from transportation of goods - Only project emissions. Tool for estimation of upstream emissions of fossil fuels. Broaden the combined tool or develop a tool for baseline identification. Tool/guidance on signal-to-noise ratio and rebound effect. Tool for energy benchmarking of domestic appliances

Is the language clear and objective or does it require improvement? Does the methodology appear largely to be internally consistent? Identify any inconsistencies,if any? Can more tools potentially be used? For which emission sources could the calculation be simplified by using conservative default values or discount factors? Which emission sources may be insignificant and may thus be omitted? Are there any applicability conditions that could be deleted or relaxed, e.g. by making conservative assumptions for the calculation of emission reductions for the relevant project types? Are there monitoring requirements which could be simplified or replaced by the use of (conservative) default values? Are there any issues which require urgent improvement of the methodology (e.g. potential threats to environmental integrity)? Can minor source of emissions be neglected ?

Small Scale Methodologies

Fuel switching methodologies Expansion to non-energy purposes (kilns, driers) Shift from high carbon intensive fuel mix ratio to low carbon intensive fuel mix ratio Switching from high carbon intensive grid electricity to low carbon intensive fossil fuel Transportation methodologies Transport energy efficiency activities using post - fit Idling Stop device. Transportation Energy Efficiency Activities using Retrofit Technologies Solid waste methodologies Avoidance of methane emissions through excavating and composting of partially decayed MSW Recovery and recycling of materials from solid wastes – (HDPE,LDPE,PET) Bio-diesel methodologies: Plant oil production and use for energy generation in stationary applications and transportation Biodiesel production and use for energy generation in stationary applications and transportation Building sector – EE & RE Energy efficiency and renewable energy measures in new residential buildings Installation of cogeneration or trigeneration systems supplying energy to commercial buildings

EE in Power generation Conversion from single cycle to combined cycle power generation Emission reductions through recovery of spent sulphuric acid Industrial methodology Emission reductions in hydraulic lime production Industrial process optimization for energy efficiency and electricity generation New Energy sources (Alternative) Electricity and/or heat generation using fuel cell Other types Substituting fossil fuel based lighting with LED lighting systems Biogas/biomass use for thermal applications for the households/small users. Approved combinations of methodologies for the application in PoA Methodological approach on suppressed demand

Determination of greenhouse gas emissions reductions based on whole-building simulation of building mitigation efforts using eQUEST/DOE-2.2. Transportation Energy Efficiency Activities installing digital tachograph systems to commercial freight transport fleets. Methane emission reduction by switching from transplanted to direct seeded rice with adjusted water management practice Demand-side activities for outdoor and street efficient lighting technologies AMS-I.E and AMS-II.G, procedures for stove testing and further guidelines on determining the fraction non- renewable biomass using the latest scientific tools such as c-WISDOM, simplification of procedures for estimating leakages Solar cooker applications, clarifying issues related to baseline determination and monitoring (e.g. thermal energy output, efficiency testing) Solar water heating methodology (residential and commercial retrofit ) application to Greenfield that displace electricity and/or fossil fuels, ER using conservative stipulated savings value, computer simulation and metering Non-binding best practices on sampling

Simplified methodologies serving agreed sectors. Simplified and expanded additionality tool for micro-scale projects Standard on first-of its-kind and Common Practice Procedures for the use of nationally established grid emission factors Re-assessment and revised summary of stakeholder issues regarding programme of activities (PoA) Revised standards and rules related to PoA New reporting and verification standard intended to ensure the actual realization of the stated sustainability benefits of CDM projects. Identify types of project activities with potential for emission reductions for which there are no approved methodologies or for which the applicability of existing approved methodologies is too narrow to make them applicable to under-represented project activity types or regions Develop draft methodologies and present them to potential project proponents in order to get inputs on important region- specific or project activity type aspects, to be accounted for in the development of the final methodologies for approval by the EB
