Times of Growth
A Changing Missouri Ending slavery was the first step in rebuilding Missouri after the Civil War. Missourians also worked to rebuild the state in other ways.
Growth in Transportation Better transportation was needed after the Civil War. The amount of railroad track more than doubled from 1860 to Railroads crisscrossed the state, creating trade and new businesses. St. Louis, St. Joseph and Kansas City all grew with the expansion of railroads. These cities became transportation centers.transportation
Bridges Expand Transportation Brand-new bridges crossed the rivers at Kansas City and St. Louis. James B. Eads designed a steel bridge with two levels. The Eads Bridge made St. Louis the Gateway City to the West.
Changes in Education Soon after the Civil War, the Missouri government gave its full support to public education. Missouri offered education to African American children for the first time. Many, however, went to schools separate from white children. There were schools for nearly all white children. Almost 80% of African American children had no school to attend. education
New Ideas About Education In 1873, Susan Blow welcomed children to the kindergarten classroom at the Des Pères school in St. Louis. Her school was the first of its kind to succeed in a public school system.
Changes in Communication Communication Several hundred newspapers were published in Missouri by One widely read newspaper was the St. Louis Post- Dispatch. Joseph Pulitzer, who came to St. Louis after the Civil War, owned the paper. Under his leadership, the Post- Dispatch uncovered and reported the dishonest dealings of officials in government.
A New Invention Another advance in communication was the telephone. By 1890, people in towns and cities across the state could pick up the phone and talk to one another.
transportation Moving people or things from one place to another. Back to text
education Knowledge and skill gained from practice and study. Back to text
communication Sending and receiving information. Back to text