Memphis Debrief a Presentation to the Mayor’s Children’s Commission – April 2012
Memphis Shelby Country Crime Commission visit Memphis is one of 6 cities that are part of the National Forum on Youth Violence A team from St. Louis went to Memphis in March Robbyn Wahby, Mike Fitzgerald, Lindsay Matushe, Mary McMurtrey, Heidi Veron, Bridget Flood Met with Michelle Fowlkes and numerous others involved in implementing the initiative that is under the oversight of the Memphis Shelby Crime Commission
Background Memphis Youth Violence Prevention Plan Operation: Safe Communities (OSC) Memphis Fast Forward The Organization An Initiative of the Organization A strategy within the original OSC initiative Foundational to the development of OSC- Phase 2
History of Memphis Fast Forward Memphis Tomorrow (Memphis CEOs) Memphis Tomorrow (Memphis CEOs) Mayors from Shelby County and City of Memphis Memphis Fast Forward
Developed strategic agenda focused on creating jobs making the community safer producing a better-educated workforce creating more efficient local government Each area handled independent of one another and worked incrementally
Memphis Fast Forward Each initiative includes: Program chair Leadership team (board of directors) Lead organization (often set up as a NFP) to manage effort and drive results Detailed plan – goals, strategies and action items Scorecard to measure progress Diverse team of people and organizations to implement the plans of action
Operation: Safe Community Phase 2
Operation Safe Community – 2 Youth Violence Prevention Planning Used CDC’s Youth Risk Behavior Survey Created comprehensive view of Memphis youth and risk for violence Solicited input: 351 people participated in initial learning sessions 394 people responded to a community visioning survey 28 providers responded to on-line survey Brainstorming sessions with Ministers Listening sessions with Youth leaders and former gang members
Youth Violence Prevention Plan Focus Areas Prevention Intervention Enforcement Re-entry
Prevention Strategies More at-risk families participate in prenatal/early childhood with focus on improved parenting Build on neighborhood networks, churches, communities, to deliver high-quality youth programs (after-school, mentoring, tutoring, etc.) Work with neighborhood to improve local environments for youth (safe places and passages, problem properties, etc.)
Intervention Strategies Expand case management and multi-agency intervention teams to support youth at highest risk for committing violence Improve coordination among agencies through shared electronic CRM; provide incentives for agencies to participate Expand graduated sanctions for youth (combined with rehab)
Enforcement Strategies Data Driven policing Equip law enforcement to make referrals to prevention/ intervention programs Nuisance statute - allow seizure of property affected by gang activity Reestablish local residential rehab for chronic juvenile offenders State law change allowing juvenile offenders to serve sentences in rehab-focused facilities after 19 without transferring to adult system Enhance rehab programs in correctional facilities for youth under 24
Reentry Strategies Increase education, employment, career development opportunities for reentering youth Enhance capacity and services at schools serving reentering youth Intensive case management for reentering youth Expand neighborhood networks and services for reentering youth
Memphis YVP Plan Summary Created comprehensive view of Memphis youth and risk for violence Using multidisciplinary teams, communicating and coordinating efforts Using multifaceted approach to address systemic issues Created and working goals, strategies, and action items Have clearly defined roles and responsibilities Using data to validate strategies and action items
Memphis Take Aways Use organizations and programs that exist – align for better results Employ strong leadership to drive results, communication and collaboration Ensure transparency of efforts and results Utilize cross-sector data for better results Develop strong plan with clear measurements and outcomes Accountability, accountability, accountability