Bringing people together through Collaboration and Social Computing
How Do Your People Work Together Today?
Business Communities For today’s collaboration needs
Dynamic Workplace
Dynamic workplace Work from anywhere Anywhere access via PC, smartphone, or browser From Office 2010, save directly to the Web High-fidelity viewing. Lightweight editing Work with others Share with confidence Works cross-platform 1 Co-authoring in Excel & OneNote Web Apps Embed Excel or PowerPoint documents on a blog or other website Work with tools you want Familiar Office interface From your browser, one-click to continue editing in Office on your PC 2 Social computing technologies Connect with people and expertise 1 Requires IE7 or greater on Windows, Safari 4 or greater on Mac, or Firefox 3.5 or greater on Windows, Mac and Linux. 2 Requires Office 2003 for Windows or greater or Office 2008 for Mac or greater.
Dynamic workplace Productivity anywhere with Web Apps and Mobile access.
Dynamic workplace Co-authoring documents speeds up the collaboration process.
Dynamic Workplace Knowledge Communities
Improve Workforce Productivity With Unified Platform
Unified Collaboration Platform A complete view shows me the best opportunities Full view of customer revenue, pipeline and other metadata Stay connected, even on the road Review customer order history and notes from colleagues
Unified Project and Portfolio Management Select the right projects that align with business strategy Portfolio Prioritization and Optimization
Unified Collaboration Platform Communicator integration provides presence and 1-click communications.
Improve workforce productivity
Secure and compliant collaboration platform
Secure and compliance platform In-place records management make document retention and compliance easy
Rely on Secure Collaboration Platform Colleague and tag privacy options with security trimming protect people and information.
Boy Scouts of America Benefits −Encourages Community Building −Empowers Volunteers Community Building “The ability to give volunteers the ability to post photos or videos from a weekend camping event or awards ceremony gets the information up there immediately. Being able to post it that night or the next morning is huge; the YouTube generation wants to see news immediately” Joe Mueller Director of Public Relations, Greater St. Louis Area Council, Boy Scouts of America Reduced costs Blogs, rich media & interactive maps provide a rich web experience
Telus Benefits −Cost savings −Faster speed to insight −Heightened employee engagement Social Learning “With its many social, learning, video, and other collaboration facets, this SharePoint Server 2010– based solution will serve as our ‘virtual water cooler’.” Dan Pontefract Senior Director of Learning and Collaboration, TELUS −Enhanced governance −Better sharing of institutional knowledge
Established one source for all projects Ability to prioritize Tools for resource management Dashboards for business intelligence Ability to service increased demand Implemented Microsoft Project Server 2010 Implemented Microsoft Project Professional Wanted to expand project management practices to better prioritize potential projects, effectively manage resources, and improve business intelligence. Marquette University Identifies IT Project Priorities, Delivers Results to CIO and VP of Finance