Transitional measures for Joint Implementation Benoît Leguet, Member of the JISC March 25, 2012
Bridging the gap JI guidelines do work… and will keep working until 2015 Political agreement for CP2… but no AAUs on Jan 1, Possible solutions: Wait until AAUs are established Decide at CMP8 on modalities Use provisional application, prompt start Use CP1 AAUs with conditions Where theres a will theres a way
Bridging towards CP2 JI: not a writers block Holy books : Marrakesh Accords Report to CMP6 (Experiences) Report to CMP7 (Approaches) Key attributes: Standard-setting body One track for JI… Many questions unanswered, e.g. Focus of the future governing body: auditors and projects? offset schemes?
Bridging towards CP2 JI: challenges ahead Ensure smooth transition for Registered projects project developers Accredited auditors AIEs National JI procedures DFPs Easier if end point is visible JISC 28: draft CP2 JI guidelines to be submitted to CMP8 Input on key attributes to be provided by April 16 Demand JI operates in a capped environment Where theres JI, theres room for demand
Thank you for your attention Benoît Leguet Member of the Joint Implementation Supervisory Committee