Tribal Air Quality “Tools of the Trade” Lydia Scheer, ITEP
…But there’s so much to do! Air Quality Management Plans, Budgets, Grant Workplans Quality Assurance Project Plans (QAPP) Emissions Inventory Ambient air monitoring Data management and reporting Equipment audit procedures Modeling and assessment Education and outreach
ITEP has resources to help! Resource library of tribal, EPA, and other documents Software programs TurboQAPP TEISS Tribal Data Toolbox Online courses on data management, TEISS, GIS, and Tribal Data Toolbox Direct individualized assistance on various topics Air monitoring equipment loans
Resource Library Library of example tribal documents Grant workplans Budgets AQ Management Plans QAPPs EIs More Online Resource Center Access (ORCA) Searchable database of electronic and other resources Guidance documents Outreach materials Templates
“TurboQAPP” User-friendly software program guides you through the process of writing a QAPP Compliant with all EPA requirements for QAPP for ambient a/q monitoring Contains built-in resources such as guidance documents, equipment specifications and necessary equations Finished product exported to MS Word or Excel Software saves your work for future editing Built-in tutorials to help you learn Can be used for other parameters (IAQ, water, etc.) but very little built-in information Contact:
TEISS Tribal Emissions Inventory Software Solution guides users through the process of planning and reporting for an EI project Plan your project using Inventory Project Plan (IPP) tool Import data from the U.S. EPA's National Emission Inventory (NEI) to evaluate nearby sources Define and enter data for your own point, area, non-road and on-road sources Export data to the Emissions Inventory System XML format, which can be submitted to the NEI if your tribe chooses to do so Create maps tables and charts for reporting New version (V2.10) with updated reports, calculators and more now available! Contact:
Tribal Data Toolbox MS Access database created in-house to meet specific needs of tribes for managing air monitoring data Designed to accommodate filter-based or continuous monitoring data Guides you through the steps of QA/QC for data validation Creates charts/graphs of data for trend analysis and reporting Creates AQS-ready data file for upload into AQS database, including Precision & Accuracy (PARS) data Latest version (V1.1) available for free from ITEP Contact: or
Online Courses & Training Mapping Air Data using GIS EI & TEISS Online Training Air Monitoring Data Management Tribal Data Toolbox Webinars, Podcasts, Videos TurboQAPP AQS QA101
Individualized Assistance Professional Assistance (PA) Program Allows tribal professionals to get individualized training on specific topics Training provided by ITEP staff, EPA, State/Locals or other tribal staff Virtually any topic can be addressed ITEP can help cover transportation costs and arrange logistics for training Contact:
Examples of Past PAs Emissions Inventory and TEISS Monitoring operation, maintenance, calibration, troubleshooting Monitor siting/network review Title V permit review Modeling Data Management QAPP AQS AQ Inspections and Enforcement
Air Monitoring TAMS Center has some air monitoring equipment available for loan to tribes TAMS Lab provides free gravimetric services for PM monitoring (new tribes are not currently being accepted) Contact: or
Other Training Providers US EPA Air Pollution Training Institute Self-paced online courses Classroom courses free to tribes On-demand training (webinars) California Air Resources Board (CARB) Classroom courses free to tribes Geared towards compliance
External Data Sources EPA website has numerous databases that contain data and data tools for use in your own program AirData AIRNow TRI Explorer Envirofacts/Enviromapper Regional haze and visibility monitoring data ( Meteorological data from NOAA READY RAWS
Internships ITEP Program offers college students summer internship opportunities Native students are targeted, but not required Tribally-focused air quality projects with tribes, EPA, other agencies 8-10 projects that are approximately 10 weeks long during summer Host site and intern application period is December/January Contact:
How Can You Help? Network and stay involved Be willing to share your own experience and expertise with other tribes NTAA, TAMS Steering Committee, etc Share your own documents and information as examples for other tribes We will never share with non-tribal entities or EPA ITEP is always looking for input on training topics, services and projects Give us feedback at courses and meetings Call or us anytime!