Wrap-up session III Module 3.2 – Alignment of the Accreditation Procedures 1 st Sustainable Development Mechanisms Joint Coordination Workshop Maritim Hotel Bonn Germany, March 2012
Break-out session III - Module 3.2 – Alignment of the Accreditation Procedures Main issues discussed Stepwise alignment of the JI accreditation process with the CDM accreditation process Priority areas for alignment in the short and long-term Discussion on the different nature of both systems and the possible implications on the feasibility of integrated assessments Uncertainty as a element that conditions future options for integration of both systems
Break-out session III - Module 3.2 – Alignment of the Accreditation Procedures Action points / Recommendations Integration of the roster of experts Joint assessments (JI and CDM) in order to optimize the process Explore the feasibility of full integration of CDM and JI accreditation processes including accreditation panels