JCOMMOPS JCOMM Observing Program Support Centre Etienne Charpentier, WMO Secretariat M. Belbeoch, JCOMMOPS May 2011, MARCDAT-III
JCOMMOPS was established in 2001 by JCOMM-I –to establish synergies between the DBCP, SOOP and Argo prog. –To support on a day-to-day basis, and on an integrated way the implementation of those in-situ marine observing systems In 2005 JCOMM-II extended ToR to cover the SOT as a whole, and to provide info. on satellite data requirements In 2009, JCOMM-II extended TOR to support OceanSITES, GLOSS, IOCCP (provided resources follow) and changed the acronym from “Platform” to “Program” to underline the need to provide a “system based” performance monitoring JCOMMOPS has been acting as a focal point for ten years (25 if we include the early years of DBCP coordination -1987) JCOMM Observing Program Support Centre
JCOMMOPS is actively involved with the implementation of the main global in-situ observing systems, including: –DBCP (data buoy cooperation panel): Drifting and moored buoys in the high seas and tropical moorings, misc. platforms –Argo: Profiling floats –SOT (ship observations team) : SOOP, ASAP, VOS –OceanSITES: Deep ocean time-series reference stations JCOMMOPS is now “firmly established as a major support facility for operational ocean observing system.” JCOMM co-presidents, 2009 JCOMM Observing Program Support Centre
The JCOMM Observing Programme Support Centre, on behalf of JCOMM, aims to: monitor and evaluate the performance of the networks assist in the planning, implementation and operations of the observing systems act as a clearing house and focal point on all programme aspects assist in data distribution on the Internet and GTS encourage cooperation between communities and member states relay user feedback on data quality to platform operators provide technical assistance and user support worldwide develop synergies between observing systems (GOOS) Coordination Monitoring Assistance Cooperation Program focus and integration everywhere possible Close cooperation with IOC / WMO,secretariats JCOMM Observing Program Support Centre
Infrastructure: office, staff JCOMMOPS, hosted by France (CLS/Coriolis), has recently been renewed, with extended mandate to integrate more components of Observing System JCOMMOPS comprises two Technical Coordinators (IOC employees), a senior scientist, an I.T team: –Mathieu Belbeoch The Argo Profiling Float programme The Ship Observations Team (JCOMMOPS administration, development, I.T. Team management) –Hester Viola (being replaced by Kelly Stroker NOAA) The Data Buoy Cooperation Panel The OceanSITES Program –Yves Desaubies (1/4 time) Scientific Coordination (Ifremer contribution) – EFT. I.T. resource (~2 ½ time software engineers) Students on work experience (an intern has joined the centre for 2 years) With limited means, JCOMMOPS as gradually set up a solid infrastructure
6 Infrastructure: Information System Ambitious system was set up in the early 2000 (Oracle DB, GIS, Web app. ) by the two TCs –Web based monitoring system –On-line Platform/Program (meta)database –Monthly maps and statistics –Cooperation with Data Centres (in the background) so they improve their data/metadata distribution service(GTS, Coriolis, NODC, AOML, ODAS/NMDIS, etc) New system gradually set up by an I.T. Team –Newer technolgies –Target: Integration of all services –Core services improved and strengthened JCOMMOPS maintains the historical information/metadata (all except physical data) for the tracking of the development and performance of those programmes. Focal Point + Information System = Coordination, services for each prog. and system view JCOMMOPS is NOT a data centre !!! But rather a metadata QC and gathering centre
Ship time related activities are the base of global array implementation Finding ships is an on-going issue for Argo, DBCP, SOOP SOT metadata management is not a minor activity There is a lack of centralized cruise information The « JCOMM Cruises » initiatives could be developed further The « JCOMM capacity building » initiatives could be developed further We need a focal point, tracking existing ships, one by one, identifying new ships, and channelling the information as appropriate within the community. JCOMMOPS is documenting the terms of reference for a new technical coordinator position, that would be the international focal point on cruises (SOT ships and ancillary initiatives, research vessels, charters, sailing races/individuals, cooperation with PMOs, CCHDO, POGO, etc). Funding sources have been identified for a full time position (to be confirmed) Part of the activity is self-funded via JCOMMOPS incomes (ship chartering) JCOMMOPS ‘host agreed to open a position provided funds available A cooperation with IOCCP and GO-SHIP is in sight provided funding follow Cruise Information Centre / Coordinator A transversal JCOMM Activity SOT contribution agreed. Argo will contribute via the chartering. Could DBCP contribute ? ToR to be prepared by a small committee Such position is seen crucial for a proper support to JCOMMOPS components and the development of the JCOMM integrated concept A pilot experiment will be conducted in 2012 …
8 Metadata essential to compare what is being done at sea and what reaches the Data Centres (Quantitative, qualitative, timeliness, etc)
Products & Services: Examples Real-time... Very early on, JCOMMOPS provided online, interactive GIS–based, real-time tracking tools for ocean platforms and is now working on a partnership with Google to include JCOMM/GOOS observing system status and products within Google Ocean Interoperability targeted: Web Map Services, XML metadata exports, etc. Monthly... JCOMMOPS Status maps are widely recognized as authoritative and giving an up- to-date, verified status of the arrays, encouraging community to share the data and showing how the programmes assess and meet their requirements Requires a careful assembling and quality control of metadata following some rather labour intensive tasks, and privileged links with implementers and platform operators JCOMM OCG components “identity”
Products & Services: News Density map for any dataset Scoring system for deployment planning Bilateral EEZ warning system (IOC Res. XLI-4) Metrics are designed, and gradually finalized according to the requirements of each component of JCOMMOPS.
Some recent status maps … 11
Some recent status maps … 12
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Some recent status maps … 15
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Some recent status maps … 19
Monitoring, Operations, Promotion, Outreach and humanization of the GOOS networks
JCOMMOPS has started to charter a 20m sailing vessel the “Lady Amber” for the community Ship is performing 3 cruises in the IO to deploy 65 floats for CSIRO, check RAMA moorings Will be ready in September in Perth for new adventures New activity: JCOMM Cruise: sailing ship Lady Amber Ship time is an issue for all panels … JCOMMOPS assists providing via a “green platform”, flexible, dedicated, “JCOMM” oriented, Promising communication potential. To be followed up by a dedicated resource
JCOMM Cruises Price is 20 k€/month (non profit base) or 500 € / unit (if full of floats ) An overhead is taken for JCOMMOPS (to secure the activity on the medium run via a dedicated resource, and cover extras) Area of operations: ANY(except high piracy zones) including high latitudes. Full flexibility for deployment locations Promotional/media activities planned Capacity floats/buiys ! Autonomy 2 months Space for (1-4) crew on board
JCOMMOPS Expansion Ship based activity –Ship/Cruise Metadata management (SOT, IOCCP, GO-SHIP, etc) –Support for Argo, DBCP, SOT, OceanSITES operations (deployments, maintenance) –Support for training workshops –Ship chartering development for dedicated and problematic areas (sailing races, individuals, tourists cruises, etc) Development of services for GLOSS, GOSHIP and program that can’t fund a dedicated resource Support to satellite component –No expertise today at JCOMMOPS Support to GOOS multidisciplinary evolution –Regional activities –Gliders, marine mammals, etc MoU (IOC/UNESCO – France) for JCOMMOPS hosting being renewed (in cooperation with WMO) - firmly established the centre in France (if possible) - increase resources and services
Conclusion JCOMMOPS is at a cross-road –Common resources are still limited (arrangements with hosts have reached their limit) –Need further resources to fulfill its mandate JCOMMOPS will better define its services, to offer its support to other JCOMM components JCOMMOPS will set up soon its “ship metadata” champion position Continue serving the obs. systems implementers (and users) in an integrated way.
Thank you 25