eVIKINGS II Meeting Tallinn, March 17, 2003 Design and Test of Digital Systems Raimund Ubar Tallinn Technical University
eVIKINGS II - Meeting, Tallinn, March 17, 2003 Roadmaps International Technology roadmap for semiconductors MEDEA+ Industry-driven pan-European programme for advanced co-operative R&D in microelectronics A dependability roadmap for the information society in Europe
eVIKINGS II - Meeting, Tallinn, March 17, 2003 System Design at a Crossroad Productivity Crisis –21% Productivity Increase / Year vs. –58% Complexity Incease / Year
eVIKINGS II - Meeting, Tallinn, March 17, 2003 Electronic Design Automation (EDA) System on a Chip development: Yesterday’s chip is today’s functional block! New design methodologies are needed
eVIKINGS II - Meeting, Tallinn, March 17, 2003 Technology trends
eVIKINGS II - Meeting, Tallinn, March 17, 2003 Impact of new design technologies on cost Tall thin engineer Large block reuse Intelligent test bench
eVIKINGS II - Meeting, Tallinn, March 17, 2003 Landscape of design technology
eVIKINGS II - Meeting, Tallinn, March 17, 2003 EDA challenges Designers need to increase the level of abstraction, because the amount of information in the designs exceeds their ability to track the information increased use of synthesis technologies Necessity to reuse already designed, tested and synthesised functional blocks Intellectual Property (IP) Validation: High-Performance simulation tools for the entire design are needed (including early high- level timing validation) Improvement of the cooperation of different EDA- tools Standards have to be defined
eVIKINGS II - Meeting, Tallinn, March 17, 2003 FW 6 - EuroSoC Key Nodes Network on chip (Hannu Tenhunen, Sweden) Multiphysics (Marta Rencz, Hungary) Mixed signals (JoseLuis Huertas, Spain) Low power (Christian Piguet, Switzerland) Integrated intelligence (Patrick Dewilde, The Netherlands) Test and debug (Ch. Landrault, France) Formal mehtods (Dominique Borrione, France)
eVIKINGS II - Meeting, Tallinn, March 17, 2003 FV 6 - EuroSoC Key Nodes Modeling (Alain Vachoux, Switzerland) Reconfigurable SoC (W. Rosenstiel, Germany – T. Arslan, UK) Design methods and IP reuse (J. Vounckx, Belgium – J.C. Lopez, Spain) SoC programming model (E. Villar, Spain) SoC application (N. Wehn, U. Germany – L.Lavagno, Italy) SoC education (J. Madsen, Denmark)
eVIKINGS II - Meeting, Tallinn, March 17, 2003 EuroSoC: Thematic Areas in Test Research topics Digital, Analog, Mixed-Signal, and RF Failure Analysis, Defect and Fault Modeling ATPG, BIST, DFT Test Synthesis, Test Resource Partitioning and Embedded Test Defect/Fault Tolerance and Reliability Debug and Diagnosis Research communities European Group of the IEEE Test Technology Technical Council International Test Conference (ITC), VLSI Test Symposium (VTS) European Test Workshop (ETW), DATE C, Online Test Symposium (IOLTS)
eVIKINGS II - Meeting, Tallinn, March 17, 2003 Paradigm Shift in Test Sky-rocketing complexities with decreasing pin/gate ratio, higher frequencies and decreasing product life cycles New defects due to technology evolution Hardware/software designs, test of programmable systems IP(core)-based designs Increasing use of analog, mixed-signal and RF IPs Increase of temporary faults (transient and timing faults)
eVIKINGS II - Meeting, Tallinn, March 17, 2003 Current Status and Barriers to Overcome Current status –Testing cost may represent up to 50% of the manufacturing cost of SoC Some of the barriers –Development of nanometer fault models –ATPG, BIST for real defects –Reduction of test execution time –Power consumption during test –Optimized Test Resource Partitioning strategies –Obsolescence of I ddq testing –Analog BIST –Tolerance of temporary faults –DfD methodology
eVIKINGS II - Meeting, Tallinn, March 17, 2003 Testing and Quality “The problem of testing can only be contained not solved” T.Williams How much to test?
eVIKINGS II - Meeting, Tallinn, March 17, 2003 Complexity vs. Quality Problems: Traditional low-level test generation and fault simulation methods have lost their importance because of the complexity reasons Traditional Stuck-at Fault (SAF) model does not quarantee the quality for deep-submicron technologies
eVIKINGS II - Meeting, Tallinn, March 17, 2003 Complexity vs. Quality New solutions: The complexity is handled by raising the abstraction levels from gate to register-transfer, instruction set architecture (ISA) and behavioral levels –But this moves us even more away from the real life of defects (!) To handle adequately defects in deep-submicron technologies, new fault models and defect- oriented test generation methods should be used –But, this is increasing even more the complexity (!) To get out from the deadlock, the both trends should be merged into hierarchical approaches
eVIKINGS II - Meeting, Tallinn, March 17, 2003 Research in TTU (ATI) Modeling of Digital Systems at different levels – to cope with the complexity Test generation and fault simulation –Hierarchical approaches to test generation and fault simulation Intensive international cooperation: –Joint design and test flow methods and tools (integr. research at ATI) –BIST (cooper. with U Stuttgart, Uni Linköping, Artec Design) –Defect-based approach (cooper. With TU Warsaw, Slovak Academy) –Collaborative design via Internet (Fraunhofer Inst. In Germany) –New teaching methods, tools, research scenarios (TU Ilmenau) Subcontractors: in red
eVIKINGS II - Meeting, Tallinn, March 17, 2003 DECIDER: Hierarchical ATPG Modules or subcircuits are represented as word-level Decision Diagrams
eVIKINGS II - Meeting, Tallinn, March 17, 2003 Joint VHDL Design and Test Flow High-level synthesis –CAMAD developed at Linköping University Test pattern generation –DECIDER developed at Tallinn Technical University Interfaces to –behavioral and RT-level VHDL and –EDIF netlist formats Cooperation with LIU (subcontractor) and in TTU
eVIKINGS II - Meeting, Tallinn, March 17, ROM... SoC Core Controller Combining –on-line generated pseudo- random patterns –with pre-generated and stored test patterns Problems : –To find the best characteristics for test generator (PRPG) –To find the best level of mixing pseudo-random test and stored test as the tradeoff between memory cost and testing time CORE UNDER TEST Response Analyzer Test Generator BIST (Optimization and Hybrid Solutions) Cooperation with LIU (subcontractor)
eVIKINGS II - Meeting, Tallinn, March 17, 2003 International Virtual Lab: Tool integration Cooperation with EAS/IIS, Dresden EV-subcontractor
eVIKINGS II - Meeting, Tallinn, March 17, 2003 Test Generation BIST Simulation Methods: Deterministic Random Genetic Methods: BILBO CSTP Store/Generate Design Test Levels: Gate Macro Fault Simulation Methods: Single fault Parallel Deductive Fault Table Fault models: Stuck-at-faults Stuck-opens Delay faults Test Optimization Fault Diagnosis Fault Location Tools for test generation and fault simulation
eVIKINGS II - Meeting, Tallinn, March 17, 2003 Applets for Learning RT Level Test For learning problems of RT-level design and test: - Design - Design - Simulation - Simulation - Fault simulation - Fault simulation - Test generation - Test generation - DFT - DFT - BIST - BIST Cooperation with TU Ilmenau, Germany – EV subcontractor
eVIKINGS II - Meeting, Tallinn, March 17, 2003 Conclusions Long term goal of the NoE EuroSoC in Framework 6 : Get funding from second FP6 Call and other public funding StartConvince industry to partially fund the network Network Fully funded by Industry