Wrap-up session IV Module 4.1, Extension of simplified modalities for demonstration of additionality Mr. Peer Stiansen, CDM EB member 1 st Sustainable.


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Presentation transcript:

Wrap-up session IV Module 4.1, Extension of simplified modalities for demonstration of additionality Mr. Peer Stiansen, CDM EB member 1 st Sustainable Development Mechanisms Joint Coordination Workshop Maritim Hotel Bonn Germany, March 2012

Break-out session IV, Module 4.1, Extension of simplified modalities for demonstration of additionality Main issues discussed 31 projects have applied microscale additionality guidelines, 10 in LDCs. 30 more applying the positive list of automatically additional technologies. Part of the observed increase of microscale projects in LDCs could (hopefully) due to the guidelines. 12 DNAs have submitted information on technologies – early ones need update Further ongoing simplification where stakeholder input could be useful: a)off-grid RE, b)rural electrification, c)livestock manure management. d)within PoA: microscale threshold for units/technologies or CPAs. e)accurate definition of special underdeveloped zone (public input sought),

Wish list (not comprehensive) 1.Direct registration of projects without validation (only secretariat review), 2.Address thresholds 3.Exclusive additionality approach for (DSM) EE projects considering ia. market penetration %, end user type, efficiency level. Benchmarking ? Shorter crediting periods? 4.Increase list of positive technologies, beware of free riders 5.E- ruling on additionality of projects in LDCs 6.Address need for capacity building Break-out session IV, Module 4.1, Extension of simplified modalities for demonstration of additionality

Action points / Recommendations Country-level policies are relevant to ensure uptake of microscale projects. Access to capital should be considered as one the main barriers. Energy Efficiency additional guidelines would help uptake in LDCs The application of the guidelines at the CPA level continues to limit PoA development, by increasing complexity and cost – address aggregation level to ease this barrier Positive lists are to be developed while reducing the possibility of free riders The guidelines should be further developed reflecting the need to maintain appropriate balances to achieve results and keep integrity. Please Submit your comments and suggestions for consideration by the Board. Break-out session IV, Module 4.1, Extension of simplified modalities for demonstration of additionality