Social Development: Attachment and lack of a “primary caretaker” Lorenz, Imprinting ( ethology ) Harlow, Surrogate mothers in rhesus monkeys ( video: Harlow’s studies) Spitz, 1940 Goldfarb, 1958 Skeels, 1966 Bowlby, predisposition Ainsworth, Strange Situation Test Secure, resistant, avoidant patterns Stranger anxiety ( 6-8 mo.) Seperation anxiety ( mo.) Oxytocin - limbic system ( cingulate cortex ) Erikson’s stages of social development Videos: Early Socialization, Rage of Innocents
Erikson’s stages Basic Trust vs. Mistrust ( oral-1.5yrs) Autonomy vs. Shame and Doubt (anal,2-3yrs) Initiative vs. Guilt ( phallic,3-6yrs. Oedipus) Competence vs. Inferiority ( latency,6-puperty) Identity vs. Identity Diffusion ( genital,adolesc.) Intimacy vs. Isolation (early adult) Productivity vs. Stagnation (middle adult) Integrity vs. Despair (aging, retirement) Freud - psychosexual development Neo-Freudian (e.g., Erikson)
Piaget ( ) A. Sensory-motor learning (birth-2 years) phase B. Conceptual intelligence (2 years-adult) phase (a) preoperational (2-7 years) stage 1. preconceptual period (2-4 years) 2. intuitive thinking period (4-7 years) (b) concrete operational (7-12 years) stage (c) formal operations (12-adult) stage Definition: intelligence= ability to adapt to environment Schema: internalized way of organizing and adapting to the environment
Sensory-motor Phase ( birth- 2years) 1. Reflex period (0-2 months) 2. Primary circular reactions (2-4 months) 3. Secondary circular reactions (4-6 months) 4. Coordination of secondary reactions (7- 10 months) 5. Tertiary circular reactions (11-18 months) 6. Invention new strategies by mental combinations (18-24 months)
Preoperational Stage (2-7 years) Assimilation, accommodation 1. Preconceptual period (2-4 years) 2. Intuitive thinking period (4-7 years) Precepts, egocentric, centered
Concrete Operational Stage (7-12 YEARS) Conservation problem: decenter, reversible serialization
Stage of Formal Operations (12 years-) Hypothesis, abstract reasoning Vygotsky - sociocultural influences on cognition; language (inner speech) Video: Cognitive dev., Vygotsky
Moral Development Piaget: objective (before 7) moral realism (egocentric); subjective (after 7) autonomous justice Kohlberg: dimensions 1. Intentionality 2. Relativism 3. Independence of sanctions 4. Reciprocity 5. Restitution and reform Video: Moral Dev
Kohlberg’s six types