Imagine a World…. With easy, unlimited access to scientific data from any field Where you can easily plot data of interest and display it any way you want Where you can easily model your results and explore any ideas you have
What is EarthCube? Transform the conduct of data-enabled geoscience- related research. Create effective community- driven cyberinfrastructure. Allow global data discovery and knowledge management. Achieve interoperability and data integration across disciplines. Dynamic Earth Changing Climate Earth & Life Geosphere- Biospheric Connection Water: Changing Perspectives
EarthCube is a Collaboration Between the NSF GEO directorate and the Office of Cyberinfrastructure (OCI) Between geo, atmosphere, ocean, computer, information, and social scientists
Why EarthCube? Nature does not recognize separate disciplines. EarthCube will democratize access to data. EarthCube will increase research time by reducing time needed to find, access, and analyze data. EarthCube will enable more interdisciplinary research and the pursuit of new questions. EarthCube will accelerate the pace of discovery. EarthCube will give all scientists the same chance of making major contributions regardless of institution size or institutional endowment.
GEO Is Ready Cyberinfrastructure (CI) is part of the research fabric of geo, atmosphere and ocean sciences These scientists are sophisticated CI users and creators NSF and other agencies support substantial infrastructure and research that will form the foundation of EarthCube Community is connected by the science and collegial relationships
Atmo- spheric Chemistry Climate & Large Scale Dynamics Paleo- Climate Paleo- Climate Meteor- ology Aeronomy Space Weather Magneto- spheric Physics Solar Terrestrial Igneous Petrology & Volcan- ology Structure & Tectonics Geo Ed & Workforce Training Geodesy NCAR Geophysi cs & Geody- namics Geobiology & Paleoen- tology Cryosphere & Ice Dynamics Critical Zone & Soil Science Chemical Ocean- ography Geomor- phology Hydrology Sediment -ology & Strati- graphy Marine Geophysics Physical Ocean- ography Marine Geology Biological Ocean- ography Biological Ocean- ography Ocean Education Ocean Drilling & Engineer- ing Software & Modeling Software & Modeling Bio- informatics Bio- informatics Ecosystems Biology High Perf Computing High Perf Computing Semantics & Ontologies Algorithm s & Data Mining Algorithm s & Data Mining EarthCube CI Solid and Aqueous Geochem -istry Who is EarthCube? EarthCube is YOU!
Who is EarthCube? EarthCube is YOU! Atmospheric or Space Weather scientists Oceanographers Geologists Geophysicists Hydrologists Critical zone scientists Climate scientists Biologist Geographers Anthropologists Economists Sociologists Data managers Psychologists Computing experts Software engineers IT user support personnel K-12 educators Designers/developers of geoscience instrumentation Environmental resource managers Policy makers Federal and State government representatives Private industry Academia And more!
CommunityM eeting Spring 2015 Early EC?? Nov Charrette 1 Requirements Analysis Community Groups Capability Projects Mar Community Meeting Spring 2014 Charrette 2 Roadmaps & Design Jun Late Working Groups Concept Prototyping Prototypes Cliff Jacobs, 2012, NSF GEO Directorate When is EarthCube?
You can shape EarthCube An alternative approach to respond to daunting science and cyberinfrastructure challenges EarthCube is an outcome and a process EarthCube is based on broad community participation
Feedback so far…
Get Involved! Explore the EarthCube website: Join the online forum Join one or more of the EarthCube GroupsGroups Participate in upcoming Events, including the Community WorkshopsEvents Community Workshops
Upcoming Events EarthCube Community Workshops – Experimental Stratigraphy – Advances in Data Assimilation and Prediction – Critical Zone – Envisioning a Digital Crust – Paleogeoscience EarthCube Events at – GSA and AGU
Give Us Your Feedback What do you need from cyberinfrastructure to help do your science?