Rain Forests Anna Choi
Summary a forest with heavy annual rainfall The forests are being cleared – mainly by timber, palm oil, soybean and mining companies – and with each tree felled, we lose a bit of biodiversity.
How Does this Problem Affect Us? Trees and nature give us oxygen so without them it would become harder and harder to breath.
Solutions Plant Trees this by teaching and empowering rural groups to grow sustainable, renewable forests for agriculture and food, firewood, construction, water collection and filtration and animal habitat.
Solutions Change Lives We do this though free distance training programs and teams of dedicated individuals in the field who train, support and facilitate hope for members of communities to build better lives for themselves
Statistics Botswana intends to protect elephants Peru: Water Tribunal Calls for Stop to Conga Mining Project Peru: Water Tribunal Calls for Stop to Conga Mining Project Brazil: President Again Vetoes Forest Code Brazil: Belo Monte construction stop Malagasy wood for guitars: Gibson fined
Possible Solutions Buying montane rainforest in Ecuador’s Intag region Buying montane rainforest in Ecuador’s Intag region Sumatra: Creating a conservation area in the elephant forest Sumatra: Creating a conservation area in the elephant forest
What Will be the Result if This Problem ISN’T solved soon? In 100 years, it has been predicted that it would be a lucky sight to see a forest, if that prediction happens then it would mainly effect people with heart and breathing problems: asthma, emphysema etc. because the oxygen levels will drop dramatically.
References rescue.org/donationalert/projects rescue.org/donationalert/projects