BSG July 2014 Worker’s Compensation Family Medical Leave Act
BSG July 2014 What to do in the event of a workplace injury. 1. Assess the situation-- 1 st Aid or needs professional treatment? 2. Complete injury packet—24 hrs. 3. Inform supervisor & Tricia Riley x45092 same day
BSG July 2014 PAPERWORK Needed within 24 hrs! Employee Statement Supervisor Statement Witness Statement Found in Form Finders Medical Treatment CorpOHS* Family Doctor Hospital Other Health Care Clinic *preferred provider
CorpOHS specializes in workplace injuries They have our job descriptions to best serve us No appt necessary Direct billing with our WC carrier Lost time is supplemented Lost time NOT supplemented by FCPS as detailed in Section 7.2.E of the FASSE agreement, and Article XXIX of the FCTA agreement BSG July 2014
LIGHT DUTY Restrictions are accommodated onsite. Charge all absences to SICK until the claim has been approved—Contact Tricia for to find out if approved Missed time is only ok if the employee has a doctor’s note keeping them out of work
BSG July 2014 CALL US! Benefits Office Colette Baker Tricia Riley Lisa Brashears (Benefits)
BSG July 2014 What is Family Medical Leave Act? A law that protects an employee from losing their job due to documented medical issues for 12 weeks 4 th consecutive day out of work For the employee or immediate family members Must be employed for 1 year & worked 0.5 of their position the year prior Can be used in one chunk or intermittently if the doctor indicates
BSG July 2014 More… Use their own accrued leave to get paid 10 day grant & sick leave bank Certification of Healthcare Form– found in Form Finders Call Lisa Brashears for maternity/paternity/adoption MUST have a doctor’s release to return—if own illness Send all documentation to Benefits
BSG July 2014 Remember to send the Absence Notification form for ALL FMLA/ Maternity/Paternity /Adoption/ Worker’s Comp absences Send it when they go out & again when they return.
BSG August 2013 XXXXX Exhaust all sick prior to SLB & 10-day grant Note the status: Active, Leave w/ Pay, LOA
BSG August 2013 Timeliness and Accuracy is essential Accountability is at the school level All is necessary to comply with audits
BSG August 2013 Employee Self Service
BSG August 2013
BSG July 2014 Questions?