1 Volleyball & Wumpus World CSCE 488 By Cody Boettcher and Jason Williams
2 Introduction Volleyball Wumpus World Costs and Components Summary Questions
3 Volleyball Rules –2 robots blocker, striker –Sonar, IR, and light sensors –10 inch walls –4 inch high net (optional)
4 Robot A (Attack Robot) Striker –Sensors –Launch tools –Light sensors Opposite side Foul line –Basic HandyBoard –Battery Life
5 Robot B (Blocker Robot) Sweeper –Sensors Sonar, Light sensors –Blocking wall –Basic HandyBoard
6 Products SONAR Sensor –$ Polaroid 6500 Sonar Module The kit contains one driving board with one transducer. Cable and socket for HandyBoard Expansion Board included. – –$3.00 – Polaroid Thrift Store Camera
7 Wumpus World Early AI game Man (robot) eating Wumpus, bottomless pits, a single arrow, and a treasure Can smell a stench, fell a breeze, see glitter Identifies location of Wumpus, pit, treasure in an adjacent square
8 Wumpus World Let’s play the game!! va/wumpus/Wumpus.htmlhttp://sunset.backbone.olemiss.edu/~mbai/ja va/wumpus/Wumpus.html
9 Wireless Wumpus World Fixed game board size and Start/Exit point Determine rules about location of Wumpus, pits, and treasure –Avoid all being in same location Determine where inputs about each position will come from (robot or computer) Determine where brunt of algorithm will be handled
10 Wireless Implementation Option 1 Use wireless HandyBoard Use robot to travel the game board with appropriate sensors to determine its position Use IR wireless communication from PC (or manual remote control) to let robot know current state of each position Robot would then determine next move with algorithm on board
11 Wireless Implementation Option 2 Use robot to travel the board with appropriate sensors to determine its position Use enough sensors to determine current state (breeze, gold, stench,etc.) by different color squares Use IR to send state information to PC PC has algorithm to determine next move and sends next move to robot
12 Wireless Implementation Obstacles 32k on HandyBoard – should be enough to handle algorithm –Online upgrade to 64k but could be tricky May have to let computer use algorithm to determine next position and simply give the robot the instructions for where to go next May need to download software for using IR transceivers for the HandyBoard
13 Cost Buy a PC to IR Linc kit for $99 Buy IR kit $29 IR transmitter and receiver $1 each Several online instructions for building a Parallel Port IR receiver and transmitter Although we could just use any remote control to manually send signals –HandyBoard downloads for sending and receiving signals with most TV/VCR remote controls (pre- configured for NEC)
14 Potential Project? This could be possible with a little cost if we built our own IR transceiver for a PC or if we purchased an IR kit and used a single PC for communication Not sure of reliability or difficulty in building the IR transmitter/receiver Need to build a game board (once we determine size) with or without outside walls
15 Summary Volleyball Wumpus World Costs and Components
16 Questions!!
17 References