The World of Hospitality …Chapter 1 1.Hospitality- meeting the needs of guests with kindness and good will 2.Hospitality industry- all business that provide services to people away from home. 3.Food and Beverage industry- businesses that prepare food for customers 4.Foodservice industry- same as above
5.lodging-a place to sleep for one or more nights 6.Accommodation- a place to sleep 7.Lodging industry- businesses that provide overnight accommodations 8.Lodging property - same as above 9.Recreation- an activity that people do for rest, relaxation, or enjoyment
10.Recreation industry- business that provide activities for rest, relaxation, and enjoyment 11.Travel industry- businesses that physically move people from one place to another; also called the transportation industry. 12.Package- a trip that includes several segments of the hospitality business, such as transportation, lodging, meals, and entertainment. One fee is charged for the package
13.Pleasure travel- travel done for rest and relaxation; same as leisure travel 14.Leisure travel - same as above 15.Business travel- travel that people do as part of their jobs. 16.Single unit business- business that has only one location and one unit; 17.Independent business- same as above
18.Multiple unit business- a business consisting of more than one unit or more than one location---can be a chain or franchise 19.Chain-- a business that has more than one location under the same name and the same ownership 20.Brand—a name, logo, tagline, or any combination of these that distinguishes a product from its competitors
21.franchise—a right to do business using the brand and products of another business 22.Franchise agreement— the legal document that sets up a franchise; includes the rules and standards that the franchise must follow and the franchise fee 23.Franchise—a regular payment made to the franchisor of the right to use the franchisor’s products and brand
24.franchisor-a person who owns a chain and its brand; the person who sells the right to do business 25.Franchisee-the person who buys the right to use the brand of another business.