By Alex Wright and Terrence Bunkley Mentored by Dr. Kamesh Namaduri College of Engineering Department of Computer Science and Engineering Department of Electrical Engineering
Background Purpose Hypothesis
What got us interested? Why not use GPS? What are the possible wireless localization methods?
The purpose of this project is to determine the location of autonomous robots using the wireless signals ( n). We believe that the locations of the robots can be determined best using the Fingerprinting Method
Materials Methodology Problems
4 Autonomously controlled Garcia robots Red, Blue, White, and Orange 2 Computers Linux, Windows XP Wireless AP’s at UNT Discovery Park n
Create a Grid-based layout Take 10 scans of the RSSI signal Repeat for every point mapped
Time consuming Fluctuating wireless signals Not as accurate as expected
Results Conclusion Questions
We were able to locate the robots through WiFi signals using the Fingerprint method. We were able to develop heat maps showing the areas where signal strength is greatest. Created programming algorithm that allows the robots to autonomously navigate to a single relative location.
Algorithm analyzes RSSI data sent from robot and compute s point
Second floor lobby the west side of Discovery Park
Embedded Systems Lab
The location of devices are able to be located using wireless signals. An open area would be ideal because objects absorb the signals. A consistent transmit power should be used to improve accuracy.