1923 Virtual Robot Part 4 By Nihar Sidhu
The cRIO! Port for connection from power distribution board. cRIO stands for compact real time input and output. It serves as the main controller or the “brain” for the robot. It is connected to the proper port on the power distribution board and the Ethernet port on the D- link. The cRIO has three modules: the NI 9201, the NI 9403, and the NI 9472. Port for connection from D- Link. The D- Link is used to provide wireless communication from the driver station to the robot. Port for connection from power distribution board.
Extra: Module 9201/ 9403/ 9472 The Analog Breakou t Board The Solenoid Breakou t Board Module 9201 Note: The Analog Breakout board converts the input pins of the NI 9201 into a form more usable. The Analog Breakout Board also monitors battery input voltage. Module 9472
The Digital Sidecar Converts digital I/O into a form that can be more readily used by the rest of the components in the robot. What do you think the digital side card is connected to?
Motor Controllers There are three ,main types of motor controllers: Jaguars, Talons, and Victors. The three of them control the speed of motors. Jaguar Talon Victor
Who knows what this diagram means? http://www.usfirst.org/sites/default/files/uploadedFiles/Robotics_Programs/FRC/Game_and_Season__Info/2012_Assets/Robot%20Power%20Distribution%20Diagram%20%2812V%20Solenoid%29.pdf
Another Great Resource: http://wpilib.screenstepslive.com/s/3120/m/8559/l/90113-2013-frc-control-system-hardware-overview