Korea University of Technology and Education Hongyeon Kim Things That Twitter: Social Networks and the Internet of Things Matthias Kranz, Luis Roalter, Florian Michahelles 2010
In this paper, Authors investigate on the potential of combining social and technical networks to collaboratively provide services. In the Internet of Things (IoT), Things talk and exchange information. Socio-technical network. Distributed sensor-actor environments. Humans and technical systems. Abstract. Data & Knowledge Engineering Lab.1
World: 1/7, Korea: 1/5 Social network. Data & Knowledge Engineering Lab.2
The idea of the IoT. Linking digital information to a network and there by relating digital information to real world physical items. Bleecker[1]: As more smart, mobile, sensing ‘Things’ are attached to the Internet, their presence and participation and agency can be felt in our online lives (2 nd Life). “If the social web (IoT) greatly impacted our social lives, how will an Internet of Things be felt across our lived experiences? ” Socio-Technical Networks. Data & Knowledge Engineering Lab.3 [1] Bleecker, J., “The Internet of Things: What Happens When 1 st Life & 2 nd Life Meet Up?”, 2006
Bleecker’s Focus. What such a social web might look like when network connected ‘Things’ participate. Our Focus. What the technical systems can themselves participate in socio-technical networks. Socio-Technical Networks. Data & Knowledge Engineering Lab.4
Technological networks. Distributed wireless sensor networks. They share data to accomplish dedicated tasks by exchanging, assessing and processing information. Motivations. Networked objects exchange data among themselves. This data is invisible for human users. There is a plentitude of information. Socio-Technical Networks. Data & Knowledge Engineering Lab.5
Twitter (link).link Post the events from selected sensors to Twitter. Listen for Tweets themselves from devices. Robot Operation System (ROS). Services with defined request response messages. Topics where data exchanged via a publish/subscribe architecture. Cognitive office. Data & Knowledge Engineering Lab.6
Sensors. Capacitive sensing,RFID. Skype tangible user interface. Cognitive office. Data & Knowledge Engineering Lab.7 T1 T2
MediaCup. Temperature of cup (hot or cold), Cup is not used, Someone drinks, Someone plays with the cup, Location. MediaCup-Net (link).link CognitiveMug. Data & Knowledge Engineering Lab.8
CognitiveMug. Location: RFID in a shelf, the dish washer or on the user’s desk, on his coffee mat. CognitiveMug. Data & Knowledge Engineering Lab.9
CognitiveMug mat. Usage (drinking) patterns. The presence information of mug. CognitiveMug. Data & Knowledge Engineering Lab.10
Botanicalls (link) (twitter)linktwitter Koubachi (link)link Auto-cleaning whiteboard (link1 link2).link1link2 Perception-Cognition-Action Loops. Data & Knowledge Engineering Lab.11
The convergence of social and technical networks. The borders between real worlds and virtual worlds ⇒ vanish. Implication of Socio-Technical Networks. Data & Knowledge Engineering Lab.12
A social network not only connecting humans to each other but also things to human. CognitiveOffice. It maybe applied in the field of independent living and smart home environments. Conclusions. Data & Knowledge Engineering Lab.13