Wrap-up session 1 st Sustainable Development Mechanisms Joint Coordination Workshop Maritim Hotel Bonn Germany, March 2012
Break-out session I. Module 1.4 JI Project Cycle Main issues discussed: Overview of the status of Track 1 and Track 2 JI projects Implementation of revised procedures and guidance on the criteria for baseline setting and monitoring (views from different groups of stakeholders) Revision of JI guidelines (views from different groups of stakeholders)
Break-out session I. Module 1.4 JI Project Cycle Action points / Recommendations Clarification is needed on continuation of CP1 JI projects in CP2 Clarity for JI projects after 2012 until revised JI guidelines are adopted The need for transitional measures for JI projects under existing rules to revised JI guidelines Revision of JI guidelines: a)Link with new market mechanisms / coordination with various domestic offsetting schemes b)Dispute resolution mechanism c)Unification of AIEs accreditation process with CDM + other practical inputs and proposals