Research Testbeds to help reduce Global Warming Bill St. Arnaud CANARIE Inc – Unless otherwise noted all material in this slide deck may be reproduced, modified or distributed without prior permission of the author
The Climate Change Imperative >One of, if not, the greatest threat to our future society and economy is global warming. >15-30% cut in greenhouse gas emissions by 2020 will be needed to keep the temperature increase under 2 °C, and a deeper reduction by 60-80% may be needed by >It will be necessary to go beyond incremental improvements in energy efficiency, current life-styles and business practices. Significantly more drastic measures will need to be undertaken
An inefficient truth- ICT impact on CO2 emissions* >It is estimated that the ICT industry alone produces CO2 emissions that is equivalent to the carbon output of the entire aviation industry. >ICT emissions growth fastest of any sector in society, especially at universities due to new cyber-infrastructure, Internet, etc >One small computer server generates as much carbon dioxide as a SUV with a fuel efficiency of 15 miles per gallon >Nearly 40% of servers at businesses are under utilized by more than 50%. *An Inefficient Tuth:
Zero Carbon Strategy for Research Testbeds 1.More efficient computers and network equipment – Marginal gains 2.Virtualization of computer and networks and relocated to “zero carbon” data centers 3.Deployment of “zero carbon” data centers at remote renewable energy sites linked by optical networks 4.New network and computer architectures that take advantage of remote zero carbon data centers
Optical networks, SOA and Virtualization are key >Optical networks (as opposed to electronic routed networks) have much smaller carbon footprint >Significant reduced CO2 impacts are possible through use of SOA, web services, virtualization, UCLP, grids, Web 2.0, NGI etc. >Computer and networks architectures to connect remote computers, databases and instruments will be essential for zero carbon ICT
Next Generation Internet to reduce Global Warming >Any future internet network testbed, project or application must have as its primary objective of a zero carbon footprint >Incremental energy efficiency improvements on existing technology is not sufficient. Radical changes in Internet architecture and applications are needed >Zero carbon condition applies to – all optical, wireless and last mile networks – all routers, switches, and web servers – all cyber-infrastructure, HPC computers – and all customer devices such as PCs, mobile phones, PDAs etc
Possible research areas >Dynamic all optical networks with solar or wind powered optical repeaters >Wireless mesh ad-hoc networks with mini-solar panels at nodes >New Internet architectures with servers, computers and storage collocated at remote renewable energy sites such as hydro dams, windmill farms, etc >New routing and resiliency architectures for wired and wireless networks for massively disruptive topology changes due to setting sun or waning winds that power routers and servers >New grid and data storage architectures with distributed replication and virtual machines (VM turntables, Hadoop) for “follow the sun” and “follow the wind” grids >New stats and measurement analysis of bits per carbon (bpc) utilization, optimized “carbon” routing tables, etc
GENI with Zero Carbon Footprint Sensor Network Thin Client Edge Site Source: Peter Freeman NSF Mobile Wireless Network Wind Power Substrate Router Solar Power Wireless Base Station
CA*net 5 Network New 72 channel x 40 Gbps ROADM Networks Boston San Diego Amsterdam
CA*net 5 Network details >CA*net 4 is NOT a single homogenous network >CA*net 4 is made up of many virtual networks (APNs) with separate management and control planes operated by users representing different communities and applications on a common substrate – High energy physics network – Network for government research labs – Network for distributed computer backplane – Virtual networks for network research >CANARIE developed special architecture to allow users to directly control switches, routers, lightpaths, VPNs, etc --UCLP
What is UCLP? >User Controlled LightPaths – a configuration and provisioning tool built around grid technology using web services >Third party can concatenate cross connects together from various links, routers and switches to produce a wide are network that is under their control – Articulated Private Network (APN) – Next generation VPN >Uses Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) and so network can be integrated with other web service applications
Internet architecture to reduce carbon emissions Virtual routers split along address blocks Each lightpath traffic engineered (pre sorted) to carry packets for a given address block 0.x.x.x -63.x.x.x 64.x.x.x-127.x.x.x 128.x.x.x -191.x.x.x 192.x.x.x-255.x.x.x 0.x.x.x -63.x.x.x 64.x.x.x-127.x.x.x 127.x.x.x 192.x.x.x
Details of Internet networks to reduce carbon emissions >Build multiple (roughly) parallel virtual networks on an optical substrate using UCLP (or GENI) >Split up Internet forwarding table along /16 (or finer) boundaries and assign each forwarding table to separate lightpath networks with their own routing and topology >Encourage edge connected users to pre-sort packets aligned with address block boundaries for each connected lightpath >Build widely distributed, heavily parallelized routed network with routing nodes at renewable energy sites >Use thousands of cheap PC based routers (or virtual routers) to do fowarding and routing for each address block network >Encourage remote forwarding with optical back haul using dedicated optical channels to customers >Use standard Internet re-routing for the “follow the sun” and “follow the wind” strategies as routers come on and off line
Networks Capable Platforms >A set of dedicated resources (Network, Instruments, Sensors) that can be manipulated through a web services interface >Create several parallel application specific networks from a single physical network
Physical Domain Management
Create Predefined Scenarios Give LIMITED control to users via invocable network scenarios.
Thank you >More information > >