UNFCCC secretariat, programme Firstname Lastname, Job Title PoAs: Applications, Current developments, revised standards, innovative approaches 7 th Joint.


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Presentation transcript:

UNFCCC secretariat, programme Firstname Lastname, Job Title PoAs: Applications, Current developments, revised standards, innovative approaches 7 th Joint Coordination Workshop Venue: Maritim Hotel - Bonn, March 2011 Gajanana Hegde Standards Setting Unit, Sustainable Development Mechanism Programme

Outline Overview of standards applied to PoAs Current development and revised standards Case study of LED lighting methodology Microscale additionality guidelines and PoAs Work in progress

Application of Methodologies in PoAs 90% apply AMS 6 AMS account for 60% of PoAs 4 AMS applied only to PoAs a)III AE Energy efficiency in residential buildings (EB 48, 07/2009) b)III AR Substituting fossil fuel based lighting with LED lighting (EB 58, 11/2010) c)III AO Methane recovery through controlled anaerobic digestion (EB 58, 11/2010) d)III AN Fossil fuel switch in existing manufacturing industries (EB 56, 9/2010) SSC, 72, 90% LSC, 7, 9% A/R 1, 1%

Current developments and revised standards EB 53,03/10: AMS-I.E. Switch from NRB to RE revised, AMS-III.AJ Recycling of materials from solid wastes approved EB 54,06/10: AMS-II.J for efficient lighting (CFLs) revised, Microscale additionality guidelines approved EB 58,11/10: III AR Substituting fossil fuel based lighting with LED lighting approved, AMS-III.AO Methane recovery via AD approved EB 58,11/10: PoAs can use any combination of AMS used by a registered project EB 59, 2/11: AMS I.I for biogas/biomass approved Sectoral share of PoAs

Excerpts from Lumina project presentation at Lighting Africa conference: May 2010

Excerpts from Lighting Africa Conference May 2010

Lumina Project Blog by Evan Mills: January 2011 A method more well-suited for LED projects and to trim the time and cost of qualifying a project and documenting the carbon savings, while requiring performance disclosure and embedding new criterion for minimum product quality while rewarding those products that exceed these minimums. In most cases, independent testing is required in order to demonstrate performance (Ref; approved-methodolog) CDM Just Got Better: A new approved methodology for off-grid lighting

Microscale additionality guidelines Guiding principles Barrier due to Size renders project additional (conditions apply) a)S size in CDM: =<5MW, =<20 GWh/yr, =<20kt/yr? b)Geographical location is LDCs OR underdeveloped zones OR off grid areas in DCs (small size and high investment risk); c)End users of CDM measures are households/communities/SMEs (currently low share of CDM benefits to these target groups); d)Specific upcoming RE technologies with low share in national energy mix (Board and DNAs to identify)

Microscale additionality to PoAs? Domestic manure (Biogas) 6 Solar water heating7 Run of river3 Solar PV2 Biomass energy2 Irrigation1 Qualify 38% Qualify with change in aggregation? 32% Do Not Qualify 19% Unknown 14% Impact on Type 1 PoAs: 21 PoAs

Microscale additionality to PoAs? Impact on Type 2 PoAs: 30 Qualify 27% Qualify with change in aggregation? 44% Do Not Qualify 7% Unknown 17% Stoves11 Lighting in households10 EE service4 Energy distribution3 EE industry2

Microscale additionality to PoAs? Impact on Type 3 PoAs: 15 Composting5 Manure4 Oil to LPG2 Wastewater1 Scrapping old vehicles1 Building materials1 Solar lamps1 Qualify 67% Do Not Qualify 33%

Ongoing work and planned work New top down methodologies and improvements in existing ones with standardised approaches including but not limited to: a)Water purification using renewable energy/zero energy b)Solar water heating c)Street lighting d)Solar cookers e)Water pumping and irrigation efficiency f)Building energy efficiency


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