We built it, They came, Now what? Lessons learned from creating a successful course integrated information literacy program Margaret FainJamie GrahamLisa.


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Presentation transcript:

We built it, They came, Now what? Lessons learned from creating a successful course integrated information literacy program Margaret FainJamie GrahamLisa Hartman Head of Public ServicesAssistant Instruction LibrarianOutreach Librarian Kimbel Library Coastal Carolina University Conway, SC

Building a Program: Internal factors Supportive Library Administration Continuing Education Personnel Peer Mentoring Creative Atmosphere Time Flexibility Responsiveness

Building a Program: External factors Respect Authentic collaboration with faculty Demonstrated student success Marketing Partnerships

Defining Success: Inclusion of information literacy concepts in courses –First Year Experience course (FYE) Scope of disciplines participating in instruction –18 disciplines, 88 sessions, Measurable assessment –Statistically significant improvement on pre/post test

Pre/Post Test comparisons

Defining Success: Constant evolution –Annual program review Positive growth of program –Increase in not just number of sessions, but scope Comparisons to peer institutions –NCES data, other national measures –SAILS test

Source: 2004 Data

SAILS test: chart

Challenges and Responses: External Strained campus resources: 24% increase in 1 st year freshmen between –Proactive planning: space, resources, personnel must align with overall university needs.

Challenges and Responses: External Library: low priority of previous administrations –New administration is pro-library, work with and respond to their ideas Campus disinterest in information literacy –Librarians serve on Core Revision Committee, general concept incorporated into new Core Curriculum –Continuing education of faculty, placed into context of discipline

Challenges and Responses: Internal Demand from multiple constituencies: –First Year Experience: all incoming first year students –English 101/102: new place in core, desire to tie library sessions to English assessment –Upper level classes: faculty satisfaction with instruction increases requests –Local schools want students exposed to college library resources: outreach CCU priority

Challenges and Responses: Internal Demand from multiple constituencies: –No more than two concurrent instruction sessions –First come, first served, push early scheduling –Online request system and calendar for faculty to check availability –Non-CCU sessions offered only during breaks

Challenges and Issues: Internal Prioritize resources –Laptops: Borrow laptops from circulation to make up shortages. Use instruction statistics to request additional laptops from CCU technology funds.

Challenges and Issues: Internal Prioritize resources –Librarians: Added two new faculty slotted positions between Hire graduate students and interns to either teach or work reference desk Share teaching materials to reduce prep time

Challenges and Issues: Internal Prioritize resources –Space: Added 2 nd classroom space in 2006 Leave laptops set up during semester Teach large (45+) classes in wireless classrooms with student laptops Plan for increased instructional space in new Learning Commons space

Challenges and Reponses: Internal Assessment and Accountability –No credit course, dependent on faculty willing to administer pre/post tests in class. –New Core accountability means assessing information literacy in multiple courses in multiple departments. –Partner with departments to assess Core, working with English and FYE to create joint rubric for annotated bibliography.

Challenges and Reponses: Internal Burnout –Librarians, increase in workload, expectations Evenly distribute sessions, provide support, lobby for additional positions. –Students, attending multiple sessions leads to motivation issues Monitor focus of sessions. Use a variety of teaching methods and strategies. Reinforce prior learning and use students as peer teachers.

Future Challenges: How can we continue to grow with our current resources? When do we have to say no and refuse to accommodate all requests? Are we even willing to say no? Do we set priorities based on Library information literacy goals? Will the new Learning Commons address our needs for space or CCU’s need for space?

Assessing Your Program: What is going well? What isn’t going well? What can we do to create or manage growth?

Conclusion Set priorities of instructional program within mission of KL and CCU. Plan for future growth. Continue to build instructional quality of the program. Address new issues before they arise.
