Campus Based Istation Implementation Principal Presentation Presenters: Rosa E. Hernandez Burbank Middle School Clayton Crook, Cullen Middle School
Instructional Implementation How are we scheduling students into the labs for Istation? - For the ISIP (Istation Indicators of Progress), students took the BOY in their English Language Arts classes over the course of 2 days. We used 3 laptop carts and 6 computer labs. - Throughout the week, teachers will sign up on a calendar to reserve labs for iStation use.
Instructional Implementation What resources are we using for interventions per tier? – Tier 1: Teachers will use the activities and lessons in Istation for whole group instruction. – Tier 2: During PowerPeriod/Before School/After School tutorials teachers request laptop carts or labs so students can get individualized intervention on Istation. – Tier 2: During Saturday tutorials teachers will have the option to put their students in rotation with technology teachers so they can work on Istation. – Tier 3: Students in the Fundamentals of Reading class will be required to login to Istation in class once at least week.
Instructional Implementation How are we encouraging our campus teachers to implement differentiated instruction? i.e. small group instruction - Provide planning time to discuss differentiated strategies. - Provide internal staff development over differentiated instruction. - Referring teachers to HISD’s Instructional Practice rubric to give clear targets and actionable feedback to improve their instructional practice.
Instructional Implementation Current interventions we have in place to ensure students success in Reading and Writing. - Morning and afternoon tutorials. - Power Period. - Saturday tutorials. - Intervention classes, such as STAAR Reading, STAAR Writing, and Fundamentals of Reading in the master schedule.
Instructional Implementation How are we monitoring Istation progress on our campus? - Use the Summary Report monthly to get a snapshot of how entire grade levels are doing.
Instructional Implementation How are we monitoring Istation progress on our campus? - Use the Skill Growth Report monthly to see how entire grade levels are progressing on specific skills over time.
Instructional Implementation How are we monitoring Istation progress on our campus? - The Tier Movement Report helps analyze and compare the number and percent of students each tier group has from month to month.
Instuctional Implementation How do teachers access data and share data with their students? – Teachers will use “Priority Reports” and it will be optional for teachers to share “Student Summary Reports” with parents.
Instructional Implementation Collaborating about student progress and intervention strategies. – During Department PLC time teachers will discuss what interventions along with Istation have the best impact on student achievement.
Teacher Support How do teachers with students with little progress get the support they need? - AP’s have conversations with students that show regression or little progress. - Seek customized professional development experiences from TDS. - Actionable feedback given from classroom observations when using Istation.
Conducting Instructional Walks What should administrators look for during their Istation instructional walks? - Active participation v. passive compliance - Teacher monitoring student usage & providing differentiated instruction in small groups. - Differentiated instructional screen level when students are working through the program.
Data Analysis Meetings Once a month during early release we have Department PLC time where teachers and the department administrator discuss student progress and what assist they may need from administration.
Small Group Instruction Support Teachers are able to tutor before school/ after school/ or Saturdays to provide small group instruction. Teachers are able to request laptops to provide differentiated instruction in the classroom for level 2 and 3 students