Name Name (Name) County Prosecutor
Principles Public safety is a core function of government Public safety is a core function of government Truth in Sentencing is a trust between the judicial system and Michigan citizens Truth in Sentencing is a trust between the judicial system and Michigan citizens
“All political power is inherent in the people. Government is instituted for their equal benefit, security and protection.” “All political power is inherent in the people. Government is instituted for their equal benefit, security and protection.” -Michigan Constitution 1969, Article I, Section 1 When allocating resources, the people’s security, safety and protection cannot be compromised. When allocating resources, the people’s security, safety and protection cannot be compromised.
Truth in Sentencing Every victim and defendant deserves to understand the sentence and to trust that a sentence has meaning. Every victim and defendant deserves to understand the sentence and to trust that a sentence has meaning. Truth in Sentencing protects public confidence in the justice system. Truth in Sentencing protects public confidence in the justice system.
Truth in Sentencing Passed by Michigan Legislature in 1998 by a margin of Passed by Michigan Legislature in 1998 by a margin of Requires prison inmates to serve the minimum sentence before becoming eligible for parole. Requires prison inmates to serve the minimum sentence before becoming eligible for parole. Provides Michigan victims and communities with a clear understanding of when violent and career criminals will be released. Provides Michigan victims and communities with a clear understanding of when violent and career criminals will be released. Prisoners have a strong incentive to behave in prison, or risk serving more than their minimum. Prisoners have a strong incentive to behave in prison, or risk serving more than their minimum. Eliminates MDOC’s ability to determine a felon’s minimum sentence and instead leaves that up to the publicly elected Judge. Eliminates MDOC’s ability to determine a felon’s minimum sentence and instead leaves that up to the publicly elected Judge.
The Disturbing Truth Michigan has a serious public safety problem Michigan has a serious public safety problem The highest violent crime rate of any state in the Midwest. The highest violent crime rate of any state in the Midwest. 39.6% higher than the average of Midwest states 39.6% higher than the average of Midwest states
The Disturbing Truth Michigan has the lowest ratio of law enforcement personnel to residents in the region Michigan has the lowest ratio of law enforcement personnel to residents in the region The ratio is 29% lower than the average Midwestern state. The ratio is 29% lower than the average Midwestern state.
The Loss of Law Enforcement Michigan has lost 3,867 police officers from Michigan has lost 3,867 police officers from Detroit lost 47% from Detroit lost 47% from Flint lost 62% Flint lost 62% Pontiac lost 55% from *. Pontiac lost 55% from *. Saginaw lost 59% from Saginaw lost 59% from *Pontiac’s Police Department was dismantled in August 2011.
Solving Violent Crime In 2013, Michigan’s violent crime clearance rate was only 31.6% In 2013, Michigan’s violent crime clearance rate was only 31.6% The national average is 46% The national average is 46% In 2013, Michigan’s murder clearance rate was only 40% In 2013, Michigan’s murder clearance rate was only 40% The national average is 64% The national average is 64%
Solving Violent Crime Michigan is ranked 49th out of 50 when comparing murder clearance rates from Michigan is ranked 49th out of 50 when comparing murder clearance rates from Michigan has over 11,000 unsolved murders since 1980 Michigan has over 11,000 unsolved murders since 1980
Prison Commitment Rates Michigan initially sentences only 10% of all felons to prison. Michigan initially sentences only 10% of all felons to prison. The other 90% of convicted felons are placed in diversion programs like probation or community services or they receive a jail term of 1 year or less The other 90% of convicted felons are placed in diversion programs like probation or community services or they receive a jail term of 1 year or less
Prison Commitment Rates When on probation or parole, some offenders commit dangerous acts and are resentenced to prison for their original offense. When you include those in Michigan’s prison commitment rate, Michigan still only sends 21.6% of convicted felons to prison. When on probation or parole, some offenders commit dangerous acts and are resentenced to prison for their original offense. When you include those in Michigan’s prison commitment rate, Michigan still only sends 21.6% of convicted felons to prison. The National Average is over 40% The National Average is over 40%
In our county…
Recidivism 23% of parolees are rearrested within one year of release from supervision 23% of parolees are rearrested within one year of release from supervision 24% of probationers are rearrested within one year of release from supervision 24% of probationers are rearrested within one year of release from supervision
Sex Offender Recidivism Contrary to popular belief, sex offenders engage in BOTH sexual and nonsexual criminal behavior. Contrary to popular belief, sex offenders engage in BOTH sexual and nonsexual criminal behavior. Sex offenders are more likely to recidivate with a nonsexual offense than a sexual offense (Hanson & Bussiere, 1998). Sex offenders are more likely to recidivate with a nonsexual offense than a sexual offense (Hanson & Bussiere, 1998).
Who goes to prison in Michigan? Our prisons are NOT filled with shoplifters, bad check writers, drug abusers or drunk drivers. Our prisons are NOT filled with shoplifters, bad check writers, drug abusers or drunk drivers. Michigan inmates actually serving time for non-assaultive offenses are typically incarcerated because of their habitual, non- stop criminal career. Michigan inmates actually serving time for non-assaultive offenses are typically incarcerated because of their habitual, non- stop criminal career.
Michigan’s Prisons are NOT Filled with Drug Offenders Drug offenders make up less than 8% of the prison population Drug offenders make up less than 8% of the prison population In 2013, of the 13,268 felons convicted of a drug offense, only 1,420 were sentenced to prison In 2013, of the 13,268 felons convicted of a drug offense, only 1,420 were sentenced to prison
Michigan has only 11 inmates incarcerated for possession of marijuana Michigan has only 11 inmates incarcerated for possession of marijuana This constitutes less than.03% of the overall prison population This constitutes less than.03% of the overall prison population Michigan’s Prisons are NOT Filled with Drug Offenders Drug offenders sentenced to prison are typically dealers or long time criminals – or both.
Most Michigan Prisoners are Violent and Career Criminals
Who goes to prison in Michigan? In 2013, of the 43,704 inmates in Michigan’s prisons: In 2013, of the 43,704 inmates in Michigan’s prisons: 3,655 inmates were in prison for Criminal Sexual Conduct 1 st Degree 3,655 inmates were in prison for Criminal Sexual Conduct 1 st Degree 5,654 inmates were in prison for Armed Robbery, Carjacking and Assault with Intent to Commit Armed Robbery 5,654 inmates were in prison for Armed Robbery, Carjacking and Assault with Intent to Commit Armed Robbery
In our county…
So why is Michigan’s length of stay in prison higher on average than the rest of the U.S.? “If a prison population is largely comprised of serious violent offenders, average time served will be longer than if the population is heavily weighted toward drug and property offenders.” “Time Served The High Cost, Low Return of Longer Prison Terms”, Pew Foundation, June 2012 (Page 23).
Michigan’s Prison Beds Are Reserved for the Worst of the Worst Michigan Sentencing is exactly what the Pew reports have recommended: reserving prison beds for the worst of the worst. Michigan Sentencing is exactly what the Pew reports have recommended: reserving prison beds for the worst of the worst.
Hot topics in our county…
What does crime cost Michigan citizens? Source: U of M study, “Societal Costs of Traffic Crashes and Crime in Michigan: 2011 Update accessible at:
What does crime cost Michigan citizens? In 2011, Just Seven Offenses, over $4.7 billion Murder 53%
Conclusions & Recommendations Reinvest resources Reinvest resources Reduce probation failures and parole failures Reduce probation failures and parole failures Invest in early intervention Invest in early intervention Protect society Protect society Maintain Truth in Sentencing Maintain Truth in Sentencing
Reinvest Resources Expand Michigan’s “Smart Justice Plan” and Governor Snyder’s “Secure Cities Partnership” in its current locations Expand Michigan’s “Smart Justice Plan” and Governor Snyder’s “Secure Cities Partnership” in its current locations Michigan needs to maintain a solid law enforcement presence to keep communities safe, including training resources for officers and prosecutors Michigan needs to maintain a solid law enforcement presence to keep communities safe, including training resources for officers and prosecutors
Reduce Probation Failures and Parole Failures Probation and parole failures constitute almost ½ of the annual prison commitments. Probation and parole failures constitute almost ½ of the annual prison commitments. More adequate resources for supervision outside of incarceration More adequate resources for supervision outside of incarceration Successful Supervision Successful Supervision Swift and sure Swift and sure
Invest in Early childhood intervention programming Truancy prevention programs Truancy prevention programs BullyProof: Violence Prevention Blueprints BullyProof: Violence Prevention Blueprints After-School Programs After-School Programs Child Protective Services Child Protective Services
Reducing Prison Population Only Saves Money if…. You reduce enough prison population to close entire facilities You reduce enough prison population to close entire facilities But there are more victims than prisoners… …and there is a cost to public safety that Michigan citizens would have to pay Don’t Forget the Victims
Maintain Truth in Sentencing Every victim and defendant deserves to understand the sentence and to trust that a sentence has meaning. Every victim and defendant deserves to understand the sentence and to trust that a sentence has meaning. Truth in Sentencing protects public confidence in the justice system. Truth in Sentencing protects public confidence in the justice system.