NAB FASTROAD Steering Committee Meeting Chair: Bruce Reese, Bonneville December 18, 2007 Call in: Access Code:
2 Agenda Chairman's opening remarks (Reese) Report on status of projects (Claudy) New project proposals (Claudy/committee) Action items (Reese/committee) Other business Adjourn
Report on Status of Current Projects
4 Projects requiring NAB action –DTV reception on laptop PCs –Smart antenna development –Electronic Program Guide for HD Radio Other projects –In progress –Deferred or on hold
5 DTV reception on PCs Goal: Facilitate the introduction of integrated DTV reception in computers, especially laptops Project Approach: –Outreach –Development funding –Facilitate stakeholder adoption
6 DTV reception on PCs Outreach Phase completed –Hired consultant on retainer –Identify potential Partners Survey of players identified 55 organizations, Resulted in discussions under NDA with 6 organizations –Very high product interest found for DTV among PC firms –Finalists are Hauppauge and AMD– different innovative approaches Next steps –Get quotes for reference antenna designs from two companies –Negotiate contract with antenna design companies (February 08) NAB Action –Authorize Major Funding 1Q2008: $500k
7 New Indoor Smart Antenna Goal: show feasibility of an indoor smart antenna using the new CEA standard for control signals over a single-wire coax interface Project approach: –Fund construction of Smart Antenna and control signal prototype –Communications/briefings for CE manufacturers
8 New Indoor Smart Antenna RFP stage complete (3 responses) –Selected Antennas Direct as antenna developer –Actively recruiting a receiving device developer NAB Actions: – Authorize major funding $250k design and construction of Indoor antenna, design and construct receiving device and interface and conduct CE industry briefing/demonstrations
9 Electronic Program Guide for HD Radio Goal: Develop infrastructure for HD Radio-based EPG, conduct field demonstration –Original Project Budget Estimate: $290k Project approach: –Issue RFP –Select team of vendors to implement project
10 Electronic Program Guide for HD Radio Proposal received from BIA partnered with Broadcast Signal Lab and others –Total cost of $1.25M (too high) –Met with iBiquity; strongly support project Revised proposal from BIA/BSL received 12/14: – Break project into two phases, $400k each NAB Action: –Near-term: fund phase 1 at $400k –Mid-2008: decide on funding for phase 2
Discussion on NAB Actions -- DTV reception on laptops: $500K -- Smart DTV antenna: $250K -- EPG for HD Radio: $400K (phase I)
12 Other Projects Projects that are in progress –Improved antenna selection program for DTV –Economic study of mobile/handheld DTV systems –High Power FM IBOC field test evaluation
13 Improved Antenna Selection Program Goal: Enhance the current website to improve capability of roof-top antenna selection –Scope revised to co-sponsor existing website initially, work with CEA to improve it over time Project Approach: –Partner with CEA
14 Improved Antenna Selection Program RFQ issued and quote received fromTitanTV –Algorithm improvement on hold –Funds reallocated to NAB co-sponsorship of current website –Contract negotiated with CEA Funding: $250K co-sponsorship fee to CEA – waiting for signed contract from CEA
15 Study of the Impact of Multiple Systems for Mobile/Handheld Digital Television Goal: Report to assess: (1) the possible effects of introduction of multiple technology solutions on the introduction of M/H DTV in the U.S., compared to a single ATSC standardized solution, and (2) the effect of delay in the standardization process Project Approach: –Contract with team of new media consultants and economists to produce report
16 Study of the Impact of Multiple Systems for Mobile/Handheld Digital Television Agreement signed with BIA Financial Network (LECG as subcontractor) in early October –Contract value $125,000 + expenses Consultants have carried out interviews with more than 20 broadcasters, proponents, manufacturers, and others Reports: –Preliminary report received 10/22/07 –Interim status reports received 11/2/07 and12/2/07 –Pre-final report due12/21/07 –Final report due 1/14/08 NAB actions –Review of pre-final report –Presentation at January NAB Board meeting –Distribution to Open Mobile Video Coalition, ATSC, others
17 High Power FM IBOC Evaluation Goal: Analyze and organize the test results obtained from iBiquity/industry field testing of raising FM IBOC power 10 dB –Field tests conducted in 2007 –Received the iBiquity High Power FM report October 5, 2007
18 High Power FM IBOC Evaluation Hired the engineering firm of Hammett & Edison to evaluate Preliminary report will be presented to the NAB Digital Radio Committee January 16 Target completion for presentation at January NAB Board meeting Within original $47k budget
19 Other projects Currently deferred or on hold –Add-on HD Radio devices –“Pause-plus” HD Radio receivers –HD Radio receiver in laptop PC –HD Radio front end improvement
20 Add-on HD Radio devices Goal: Acccelerate development of personal HD Radio devices (e.g., for MP-3 players) –Personal devices require integrated circuit devices that are low power, small size, low cost Project Approach: –Initial meeting with iBiquity to assess IC development status
21 Add-on HD Radio devices Met with iBiquity: –Low-power IC development proceeding (Samsung, SiPort) –Very high-priority item at iBiquity, but no real opportunities at present for NAB to accelerate this development Will re-evaluate FASTROAD prospects for participation in 2008 –Triggering event – release of low-power ICs to manufacturing
22 “Pause+” HD Radio receivers Goal: Accelerate development of HD Radio receivers incorporating “Pause+” feature Project approach: –Initial meeting with iBiquity to assess development status
23 “Pause+” HD Radio receivers Met with iBiquity: –Technology development has been completed –FASTROAD involvement in development of a commercial product could accelerate time-to- market Work in earnest to begin during 1Q 2008 –iBiquity developing “short list” of manufacturing partners –Will evaluate as work begins
24 HD Radio receiver in laptop PC Goal: make HD Radio receiver a standard feature in laptop PCs Project approach: – Outreach –Development funding –Facilitate stakeholder adoption
25 HD Radio receiver in laptop PC FASTROAD Technical Committee discussed this project on 9/18/07 –Logical progression is from “add-on” device to integrated feature (true for DTVs) –Since “add-on” device is not available, development of integrated feature premature Will re-evaluate FASTROAD prospects once add-on devices are a reality
26 HD Radio Receiver Front-end Improvement Goal: Determine if HD Radio receiver RF “front ends” can be improved and if so, work with receiver manufacturers –Original budget estimate $552k
27 HD Radio Receiver Front-end Improvement Met with NPR to discuss their work related to IBOC receivers Cost factor to significantly improve receivers may be prohibitive; practicality of influencing manufacturers’ product designs questioned On hold currently
28 New Projects TV Technical Subcommittee –Document front end RF performance of existing DTV receiver products –Participation in CableLabs project on including over- the-air DTV reception in cable set top boxes-- ongoing Radio Technical Subcommittee –Digital translator/booster development and testing Strong committee support –iBiquity proposal: develop broadcaster “toolkit” –iBiquity proposal: HD Radio consumer “portal”
29 Current FASTROAD Commitments/Expenditures DTV reception on PCs: approx. $50K Improved antenna selection program: approx. $250K Study of the Impact of Multiple Systems for Mobile/Handheld Digital Television: approx. $135K High power FM IBOC evaluation: approx. $50K
30 NAB Actions: Summary DTV reception on PCs: spend up to $500K New indoor smart antenna: spend up to $250K Electronic Program Guide for HD Radio: spend up to $400K for Phase I
31 Agenda Chairman's opening remarks (Reese) Report on status of projects (Claudy) New project proposals (Claudy/committee) Action items (Reese/committee) Other business Adjourn