Past, present & future Andy Jackson and Chris Price ‘Robin & Batman’ Your future is safe in our hands!
Past, present & future A trip down memory lane 1989 to 1995 ERA and MIS 70mb servers or two w/s using PowerLan DOS Word and SIMS MemoPC And the curriculum? RM Nimbus network or standalones BBC machines No planned systems
Past, present & future 1998 to 2002 to 2005 NGfL initiative ISDN2 and 2Meg lines BGfL as a safe environment for learning Joining networks together PLASC 2001 (early) then SQL servers Caching servers and video conferencing Laptops for all kinds of groups ADSL for ‘wideband’
Past, present & future 1998 to 2002 to 2006 (continued) Choice of modern MIS Remote almost everything BGfL Plus VLE 10mb for all (…at near to the price of 2mb) £52 million in investment
Past, present & future What’s new for the coming year? Replacing the caching servers Replacing bottleneck infrastructure ‘Parago’ audit tool and service improvement Communicating with the community Learning Gateway ( schools) e-Portal enhancements (Facility schools) Groupcall Messenger Digital Birmingham
Past, present & future What’s new for the coming year? (final) Service Birmingham…. and Link2ICT…! ISS
Past, present & future Mostly about technology, infrastructure and data (input model) Are we making the most of your investment for learning outcomes? (output model) “necessary but not sufficient” (Ken Dyson, Chief HMI for ICT) And so to ‘Digital Birmingham…