Action Plan Presented by: M. Aleemuddin Khan The City School PAF Chapter Prep Section Subject: Islamiat
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I owe special thanks to INTEL and the Management of TCS for arranging the INTEL Getting Started Program, which proved highly valuable for all the trainees.
Long Term Goal To create critical thinkers by developing the students’ interest in Islamiat with change of strategies.
Short Term Goals
To promote critical thinking and problem solving techniques through learning from Islamic facts. To promote a balance between teacher and student centered classroom. To conduct group activities in a conducive learning environment.
Instructional Strategies & Tasks I will provide special attention and assistance for the slow learners. I will help the students to think individually, critically analyze and compare themselves with the role models of Islamic History. I will focus on collaborative approaches and promote a team building technique through: PowerPoint Presentations Class Discussions Sharing Internet Researches
Continued: I will focus on each student’s learning abilities keeping in mind the theory of multiple intelligence.theory of multiple intelligence. I will make them a part of the teaching process by allowing them to work in pairs and by teaching each other in turns.
Multiple Intelligences Linguistic intelligence ("word smart") Logical-mathematical intelligence ("number/reasoning smart") Spatial intelligence ("picture smart") Bodily-Kinesthetic intelligence ("body smart") Musical intelligence ("music smart") Interpersonal intelligence ("people smart") Intrapersonal intelligence ("self smart") Naturalist intelligence ("nature smart")
Top ChallengesChallenges and Their SolutionsSolutions
Challenges 1. Parents want traditional methods as they themselves are not abreast with technology. 2. Peer Grouping – students tend to make groups and leave others out. Such students may not want to work in groups. 3. Implementation of basic technology like multimedia, transparency machines, or even personalized laptops or e-books may be a bit advanced for the school to manage.
1.Conduct meeting with parents and share the benefits of using latest teaching trends. 2.The students to be counselled to eradicate differences. 3.Train and assign research Projects to the students that enable them to enquire, assemble, evaluate, reason, and problem solve. Solutions
LESSON PLAN Topic: HAJJMonth: October 2011 Time: 1 Week Aim: To enable the students to understand the importance of Hajj as a great religious institution. Objectives: By the end of this plan students will be able to: highlight the Rituals of HajjRituals of Hajj describe the significance of the Holy placesHoly places differentiate between Hajj and UmrahHajj and Umrah Resources: O’ Level Islamiat Books
EVALUATION Q1. Name the five pillars of Islam? Q2.How is Hajj different from the other pillars of Islam? Q3. Why is Hajj the last pillar of Islam? Q4. In which prophet’s memory are the Muslims expected to perform Hajj? Q5. On whom is Hajj compulsory? Q6. Why is Hajj obligatory on Muslims once in their lifetime?
TIME LINE Week 1 Pillars of Islam: Hajj WEEK 2 Surah Al-Humazah: Translation and explanation WEEK 3 Compilation Of The Quran WEEK 4 Moral values of Islam October 2011
Hajj Hajj is among the pillars of Islam Hajj is performed only in the prescribed days of the year Hajj is obligatory only to the rich Muslims once in the lifetime. Umrah Umrah is not a pillar of Islam Umrah can be performed any time throughout the year Umrah is not obligatory
Rituals of Hajj
LESSON PLAN Topic: HAZRAT ABU BAKR (r. a.) Month: November 2011 Time: 1 Week Aim: To enable the students to understand the contributions of Hazrat Abu Bakr (R. A.) in the foundations of a Model Islamic Society. Objectives: By the end of this plan students will be able to: find the difficulties encountered by the early Muslims. Abu Bakr’s services towards Islam in the lifetime of the Holy Prophet (SAW) evaluate the problems faced by Hazrat Abu Bakr in the development of the early Islamic Empire. analyze how did he solve those problems. Resources: Bakr O’ Level Islamiat Books
Caliph Abu Bakr's Empire at its peak 634
Students will research about the given topics in groups of 4. Each group will be assigned one of the following topics: difficulties encountered by the early Muslims difficulties encountered Abu Bakr’s services towards Islam in the lifetime of the Holy Prophet (SAW)services towards Islam problems faced by Hazrat Abu Bakr in the development of the early Islamic Empire problems how did he solve those problems how did he solve those problems Class Activity: (30 minutes)
Difficulties Encountered by the Early Muslims Persecution Physical Torture Assassination Migration to Abyssinia Boycott
Abu Bakr’s Main Services Towards Islam Brought many people to Islam purchased the slaves, who accepted Islam, and freed them accompanied the Holy Prophet (SAW) during the Hijrat (migration) purchased the land for the construction of Masjid-e- Nabwi took part in all important battles for Islam brought all his possessions on the occasion of Tabuk Expedition Compilation of the Holy Quran
Problems in the Development of the Early Islamic Empire Conflicts among the people after the death of the Holy Prophet (SAW) Many tribes refused to give Zakat Rise of false prophets Threats on the borders from the Persian and the Roman Empires
Solutions to the Problems Resolved the conflicts by handling the situation with care, making everyone satisfied Took immediate action against the tribes making them agreed to give Zakat Sent a large army to crush the false prophets and killed them Continuously sent armies from Madina and other areas to fight in Persia and Rome
Class Activity: Presentation (20 minutes) In groups of 4 each student will take 5 minutes to present the information they researched. Students listening to the presenter will ask general questions.
EVALUATION i. How were the Muslims persecuted in the early years of Islam? ii. Critically analyze the Boycott faced by the Muslims? iii. Discuss the causes and the consequences of the migration of Abyssinia. iv. Describe important services of Hazrat Abu Bakr (RA) towards Islam. v. What were the major problems faced by Hazrat Abu Bakr during his Caliphate? vi. How did he overcome these problems?
TIME LINE Week 1 Hazrat Abu Bakr (RA) WEEK 2 Moral and Ethical Evils WEEK 3 Shariah – The Islamic Law WEEK 4 Hazrat Daud (AS) NOVEMBER
Conclusion These 21st Century skills surely will help in increasing quality of work and collaboration among peers These 21st Century skills surely will help in increasing quality of work and collaboration among peers.