Con Team
Art Chantry born April 9, 1954 in Seattle. He is a graphic designer often associated with the posters and album covers.
Chantry also has designed for bands from the Pacific Northwest, such as Nirvana, Hole and The Sonics
He is also notable for his work in logo design, Chantry designed the cover for Some People Can't Surf, which was written by Julie Laski.
HH i s w o r k h a s b e e n e x h i b i t e d a t t h e R o c k a n d R o l l H a l l o f F a m e M u s e u m o f M o d e r n A r t.
This is just all bad. Everyone who looks at the poster doesn’t want to be scared. The red going across his eyes doesn’t make it any better if they were trying to make a “GOOD” poster. The man looks evil.
See now this poster is way better then the last one. Only because its eye popping when you look at it. Also because its looks 3D. There is also more colors that are more fun to look at other then red and white. This what a good poster looks like
TThis piece is from Art Chantry himself. It has a lot more contrast in color and texture. But it shows that Chantry has plenty of talent, but did not emphasize on it in the Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde poster.
TT h e s e e x a m p l e s s h o w m o r e t e x t u r e, c o l o r, a n d m o r e e m p h a s i s o n t h e t h e m e o f t h e i r i n d i v i d u a l p o s t e r t h a n t h e D r. J e k y l l a n d M r. H y d e p o s t e r. T h i s i s w h y w e h a v e c h o s e n t h e s e e x a m p l e s o f A r t C h a n t r y ’ s w o r k.
More color This poster was designed by another person and they added more details then the one made by Art Chantry Other Work
S imple details make it better
Other posters use two characters to show that there are two different people On the other poster it was just one person and it has no other hints that its two separate people in the story
In this poster one man represents the good and bad man in the story line There is no other colors than red, black, and white. It’s very plain and boring.
This poster tells the story of that’s happening. You can guess that two men together, one who looks young and good, the other looks old and evil. Also shows you that the story takes place in a house and or office.
In this poster the artist used way more colors and more animations so it stands out and catches you’re eye. Looks like it tells its own story
Conclusion Art Chantry’s art has been very successful in the past but when it comes to his work on “The strange case of Dr.Jekyll and Mr.Hyde “, he didn’t do so good. Other work has shown more information then what he did on his poster.