OUTREACH UK Particle Physics
…UK Outreach Organisation… PPARC – national funding and facilitating organisation. Mass media, publications, schools officer, particle physics outreach officer. ppUK – central web portal for UK particle physics IoP – High Energy Physics organise particle physics meetings. UK HEP groups each have an outreach representative
…talks for the public… Public lectures frequently held at institutes around the UK. The ppUK website features a list of good particle physics speakers from 19 HEP groups around the country. Southampton University gives around 7 lectures a year for schools and the public Plymouth University gives a talk called “What’s the Matter with Antimatter?” Bristol University has a fantastic range of talks for the public:
Dr Helen Heath Small is Beautiful : A look at size, from us to the proton (primary to adult) Hunting the Higgs: The Large Hadron Collider at CERN and how it aims to discover the origin of mass (16+) Dr Vincent Smith Quarks and Leptons: The Standard Model of Elementary Particle Physics (15+) Matter and Antimatter (15+) Dr Kate Mackay Cosmic Rays (15+)
School visits to CERN – in the last 12 months around 50 schools from the UK have visited CERN. PPARC’s education officer provides a teachers’ guide to visiting CERN UK participation in Physics John Wilson at Birmingham University - portable spark counter which tours round schools. In 2004, 200 school pupils aged 15 and 16 have visited the Ogden Centre at Durham University Boulby Mine - school visits to Dark Matter experiments School visits to the Rutherford Appleton Lab and Daresbury Lab…visits…
…educational resources…
…”Particle Physics – the story so far”... 90,000 sets of 1st version sent to teachers and pupils in over 1,000 UK schools. 25,000 sets already on order for 2 nd version. Available as double sided A4 sheets for individual student use, or as a set of 6 A3 wall posters. Set of 6 posters 1. Particle Physics, the story so far 2. The Structure of Matter 3. The Forces 4. Particle Accelerators 5. Particle Detectors 6. The Higgs Boson
…the particle physics exhibitions project… Developed around 12 main themes in particle physics. Collection of demo equipment plus 4 display boards available for hire. Booked out for Masterclasses Includes Frank’s Rutherford Scattering Apparatus, Cosmic Ray Hodoscope, Scintillator UV box.
…media… MICE to go ahead GRID reaches 100 sites MINOS – start up date MINOS – first neutrinos generated ATLAS gets its heart years of CERN – Project Poltergeist, BBC Horizon March 2004 ATLAS film project – coming up, OMNI Films In Our Time, Radio 4 - Dark Energy, The Higgs Boson, 2005
…art… Chris Crossley, Positronic Dance
Tom Kemp – particle generator
…art… “Superstrings” PPARC small award Brian Foster, Oxford. Touring music/science lecture on particle physics and cosmology. UK tour of Young project – PPARC small award funding.
…events… National Particle Physics Masterclasses Being held at 16 institutions in Popular - RAL has had over 500 pupils visit in 3 days. Increased press effort for Masterclasses this year Times Educational Supplement - feature article in their “Teacher” magazine.
Move Over Einstein Nationwide touring exhibition – 2005 and 2006 Interactive games, aimed at 11 to 14 – includes Higgs Boson and Dark Matter. Soon at the London Science Museum. …events… Chocolate, mirrors and the speed of light Jan 05 to Dec 05, various venues in South West A talk on relativity organised by the Particle Theory Group, Plymouth University 'From the Boson to the Big Bang' Physics on Teachers TV Staffordshire Spring 2005 to Aug 2005
Einstein's brain Nationwide venues, all year A lecture on Einstein's brain by Jim Al-Khalili …events… Art and Einstein Sheffield, May 05, Millennium Galleries See works of art inspired by Einstein and meet artist Chris Crossley. Constant Speed Sadler’s Wells, London, May 05 New production from the Rambert Dance Company. “The fizz and sparkle of molecules ricocheting in space.”
…future plans… ppUK – website re-design and update to become the front page for UK particle physics. Links to and from Interactions, CERN etc. Attoworld – new touring schools event to inspire pupils in particle physics LHC: co-ordinated communications campaign, including education pack and media plan Greater presence for particle physics in museums and science centres Greater presence of particle physics in the UK media